

Loyalty, The Outcome of Love: Chapter 4
Reminder: This story is just a work of fiction. Any names, places, topic, and ideas that are mentioned are all just made from the imagination of the writer.


Wednesday, 7:23am. I'm here working at ***** convenience store again. It's my day part time job since I started going to college. I'm also a part time student at the Kailo University. At night, I'm working as an entertainer at the **** resto bar. I sing and play my guitar for 4 hours. I like music, so, although it's still tiring, I really do enjoy it.

I looked at the computer monitor for the time. It's 7:25am now. 30+ more minutes before Danilo come here and change shift with me.

As I was looking around the store. I saw 4 customers looking around and picking their orders, while 2 more people come in the store.

A lady walked forward the counter after she get all of what she needs. She put down all her orders in front of me.

I wore another smile that didn't reach my eye. "Good morning," I greeted her first then asked,"How are you?" I started scanning while waiting for her respond.

But she didn't. She instead looked around and asked me back for an item. "You sell condoms?"

I blinked. "Yes, we do." I replied.

"Scan two for me then." She said.

"Can I see your ID?"

She grabbed her wallet and took out her ID, then she handed it to me.

Carmela Frum, 16

This is nothing new.

In this overpopulated and poor country of us, condoms are available for 15 years young and older. The government's reason for this is for the teenagers protection.

You'll think that that's immoral. But that law was passed when the population increased incredibly 9 years ago. Yes, there are a lot of reasons we overpopulated. It might be because of immigrants, work opportunities on our cities, or it might highly just because of the irresponsible parents.

I know some people who give birth just because they want a cute and adorable baby. Then they will bear another child again because of sex addiction. They don't know and even think that having a child is a big responsibility that they need to do and fulfill in their whole lifetime. Then when their children grew up, they will blame them like it's their children's fault on why they are suffering in life.

So for me, overpopulation in this country is mainly just because of the fucking irresponsible parents.

Now, if the teens or even the adults like me, who experienced poverty and witness our parents irresponsibility, do exactly what our parents did... shame on us.

"Would that be all?"

"Yeah." she replied.

"$23.04, ma'am."

She paid me 25 dollars and I gave her her change of $1.96.

"Have a good day!"

"Yeah, you too."

Before leaving the store, she opened her pack of gum and get two of it to chew. Then the door shuts as she leave.

My attention changed from her to the man standing in front of me. He's not yet putting down the only item he got from the strore, that's why I looked up at him.

I was mesmerized for a second because of his face. It's almost impossible for me to study his face for a second, but I did. I focused on his eyes and met his familiar stare. We stayed staring at each other for 3 seconds before I wore another fake smile and greeted him.

"Good morning! Do you need any help, sir?" I asked him but he didn't answer me. Is he and that lady before are siblings?

I saw his eyes moved. He's looking from my eyes to my chest then back to my eyes again.

What the?

I followed his line of sight before and look at my chest, too. I then realized that he's not checking my size, but my nametag.

I looked up at him again and saw him smirked. That made me raise my right brow.

But then, he made my eyes narrow when he finally speak up. "So, you are Raffa ha? Emo girl?"

I was confused for a moment. But when he puts down his item,

Garnier, a make-up remover,

that's when I remembered him.

© Maan