

The longinus
longinus was a Greek philospher in Roman literature . and was first literary poet or critic who published the noval on the sublime in the sublime was second largest book after poetics which was published by Aristotle and on the sublime was longinuss was published by longinus. and on the sublime was previously written by frensco robertello he had called by frensco robertello a romantic critic or poet.great literature gives sublime it is devided into two types natural and arrival sublime it has five sources 1) great idea 2) strong passion 3)a appropriate use of figure of speech 4)right diction 5)strong composition. He had given born to new idealogy and was a first person to 1) imagine 2 sublime is great priority 3)Genesis 4) essay of criticism and the sublime is devided into 17th chapter and it's deals with great submility and discussed about the ideals of society.great sublime great work