

Knowing a Stranger (part 7)

I reached my home.I stepped forward holding three bags.Actually I had to walk side by side .I couldnt get a front view.I could see me brother in front of door.He gave me a way to move in.I put down those boxes.
And when I turned back ,I was shocked to see my brother holding photograpgs of me and Jooan.
''hey you...who gave this to you huh?''
I tried to snatch it from him.But didnt work.
''who's this person?''He raised his eyebrow and gazed at me.my mind went blank .what should I say to him when my so called family won't let us two to talk to strangers.I know I'm not a kid ,but still ....what could I do if my parents are being over protective on us and ofcourse they very well know about our friends.

''He is m-my friend..give that to me''
''dont he have a name?''
''Thats none of your business
dont make me mad ....who the hell gave this to you.''He moved away.
''thats none of your business too''

''I'll tell mom and dad''
''what you're gonna say huh?No problem just tell them you were spending the whole evening with this unknown man''

''what you want?''
''I want yout to buy me some stuffs''
'oh not again ..he is gonna show a list full of things.
''Here it is ..dont miss anything''
''fine..Now can you atleast tell me who gave those photographs ?''
''I gave you a chance ..just leave already''
I was pissed off.I'm fully aware about my brother that he just dont spill anything that easily.So -No-Hope-!