

Love is really blind..
It is said that if there is no madness in love, then how is love, but being blind in love can prove to be somewhat bad at times.
May I continue to tell you such a story in which love was not blind in love but love in blindness
A girl who wanted love but got something else
The boy she loved was not using that girl's love
Her friend explained to her a lot that this boy is not right but the veil of love was covered in the eyes of that girl.

She used to go to meet the boy in the house without informing him and kept talking to him on the call throughout the day.
That girl didn't know what was going to happen to her
Now that girl had started showing her status, threatening the girl and trying to convince her.Then the boy suddenly talks about leaving that girl.
But now that girl was badly in love
In the end, the girl goes and takes the same step which she should not have taken.
It's never wrong to be justified in love

© by khushi @Writco @Aamra.G.khan