

Today marks 8 years since you been gone
On a normal day in April 25, 2016 I got the worst news that day I woke up in the hospital. I couldn't figure out why I was there for, I couldn't remember anything about what happened except about what happened before the car crash with me and you. I woke up the day after the incident happened I wish I could remember what really happened that night. There not a day that goes by where I don't think about you it hits you differently when you loose someone you love in a relationship. I remember the days where you used to like to get free food it was one of those days, like we used to do with your cousins and I recall you were trying to get free food by saying that you went there early that day and they messed up your order and they wouldn't give you your free food, so you got angry and you got in a fight with someone who worked at taco bell since it didn't work out at mcdonald's that night. I had money I offered to buy the food but you refused to get the food with money and said that you wanted the free food so you left the place I remember you where drunk, and I was too so you speed off at 90 mph in my car running red lights and you didn't wear your seatbelt I remember I got scared so I put mine. I blacked out before the car crashed the next day I don't remember anything but that and waking up in the hospital wondering why I was there what happened? I had a tube down my throat so I thought I lost my voice since I didn't know I couldn't talk with a tube down my throat. my nurse came in and took the tube out of my throat and my first initial thought was thank God I can talk I thought I lost my voice, I might of said this to my nurse about me think that, she said no you have your voice. I asked her what happened why was I here? She said I was in a car accident I. asked her when? She said last night I asked more questions about if she knew More information? Unfortunately she didn't. my parents came in the room and I asked them the same questions but they told me the same thing of course. Then I asked one of the hardest questions I had ever had to ask in my life to them. First was the easier question well is my car okay? They told me no it was totalled. my reaction was one word for I had no words with what to say to such a beautiful car I lost, I literally said oh? I had a tear come down my cheek. I was hurt about it but then I asked the hardest question I have asked in my life probably ever. Well is Zack okay? they paused they told me, no he died on impact. I had no words except oh again I had another tear come down my cheek. I was discharged from the hospital and I went home in a shock of everything that had happened. The next couple of days I got the invitation to a funeral of my boyfriend Zack. That was a hard day for me. I remember seeing him for the first time after I saw him before the car crash it felt unreal. I cried more than I did at the hospital as it hurted more than before. This was the day I ever stood up at the podium and spoke about anything at a funeral about that night. he had an open casket viewing, but he was cremated. for a few years after him I was invited to balloon launching for him at his death site. His cousin Chis starting being really mean to me, after his mom died a few years later. His family started questioning me especially Margaret, his older sister. After awhile his whole family decided to desert me, and I only kept in contact with his mom's husband which was not his dad but his name was Van. Till this day I don't know why they abandoned me.
I still wonder and question myself everytime I think about would of had been different if I drove the car that night. I feel so broken without you in my life.
I miss you so much Zachariah foreman.
love you forever in time my babe of mine.