

Turkish strain trade
Master-Grower offerings dank star ridding nonlinear Antarctic pale horse.

Pegasus dual wing steed. Marxist barely Nitro crafted fixt taxes Paton.

Darkmoon soloists blacklisted social stews.
Non-United Union's softly Dewitt believer clocking director's offering.

Sichuan situs Grave seed abridged stoned commandment blemishe proof.

Staff Or shire Sleepless nightshade driving stimulating Albanian Ashish. (Golden brown)


Shish Galactic hashed sheek empirically Stoked beautifully kush Tokenizer woken productivity forbidden token kinesiology shaggy movement Hills packing burro cargo ships hydro culture pho Onix Dystopian Dop Amines Dystopias sub horti che Extase.


Turkish DOP express train (dub Mr.Midnight Golden Browse shine Ashish girl CDXX) electric hawk railings midnight trafficking cloaked proffit Tiesto services representative. Hounds Boundless Sentimental obesity therefore Kipling teachings Opiate lingo.


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heed Forbidden theorists crumble hue black livestock emote collateral ties! Run rabbit run fox on the Prowl Hounds on the fox tails sniping at fir sovereign snapping . Jack's hair is in the K9 teeth. Smugglers underground covert agents disguised as animals a silver fox & a white rabbit, code name foxbox the others Harry hair mission too divert masters huntsman pale dark steed known as Death . Also know as The Madison of the Burning Bush Waker power of law ('walk-in plague')Abit self masochist brothers of emancipation.



.The fox & the hair approach Marxism hole Jack's Barrow of a well known local rodent called Rab. Tiiy tight stick or better local folklore Rab Jack'. Speed galloping quake only thereof introduces

Haired off there Dodson hound flanking! fox box bunker trench Hideaway. Drunken jackrabbit annoying chugging aged Salisbury win! Rab jack can't we've shareware thistle Barrows? Soon to be a Bunker. Aren't we one & the same Adams Slitting sprouted gens? Tiiy stick rab! Ran Jack staggered weirdly raging grief sunken belligerent bunny haze rejection.


Catering thought head bobbing globe,NO! Rabs Jack's replied not rooms not spaces Inside therapy cholesterol or Barrows chuckled chuckle chunked advised herd good-bye olds foxy & hair! Silverado Foxx once again bolting, runs, couple of fox block Rab-rob Runner rubber whitening rabbit chick,( Rab-chick) run-time. Rabs Barrow flanks by hounds of hell, so fox's foxtrots on the hounds blind spot trotting free, hair jet blink whelp static transistor radios.


Flee an escapes, w/ the white hair no sign of a fox! Or hair but Rab Jack's meeting with faith, death's instances slaughter Wellesley swiftly from masters hunters hands with agonizing led blank spreads & finishing touch shoes iron Cote hooves gifted trampoline baptism welcoming foes forthcoming death streak by a pale dark black steed & the mounted masters hunter shivery wielding fire staff. Diverted yes from the objective.


Mr. Midnight Golden Browse shine Ashish girl CDXX. Why is there so much traffic on the LA freeway? The world may never know!!! Mission accomplished, fox box & harry hair live to fight another day. (America free too smoke dope for another blissful moment Intel for futures briefing (hash girl an out).
© Antonio.Mora.Lopez