

Sana-di-ge..... The auspicious one
With a heavy heart and aimless steps, I was moving through the hotel corridor.... suddenly a beautiful wooden board on the side attracted me.... the color combination and lighting effect were so tempting that I couldn't stop myself from touching it..... and other than this I was fascinated by the words written on it .... sana-di-ge !! what can be this ??? right in front of this was a huge brass lamp stand wherein multiple lamps were lighted which gave a very soothing effect in that part of the corridor. These lamps and the board on the wall were emitting something that was somehow giving a feeling of internal lightness.
Out of curiosity, I googled the word sana-di-ge. To my surprise it was "a word used in Tulu language for the brass lamp that is lighted on auspicious occasions" ( Tulu is A Dravidian language being spoken in Some parts of Karnatka and Kerela ).
Despite being a language unknown, this word gave a feeling of peace and calmness.
Perhaps life is like that only... Some things disturb our peace of mind...at the same time, there are also the things that soothe our souls...
