

Ideal Sons
A parent had three sons. All were immensely brilliant in study.Before they got established their father passed away. The mother struggled a lot to navigate their education.They dearly loved the parents,now the love of the sons solely rested upon the mother.One by one all the sons got richly established abroad. They always cried for their mother left alone in the parental home.The sons multiplied families and hardly had time to meet the mother in person.The mother on other hand was proud of the sons' success.Once mother fell ill and passed away before the sons managed to arrive. All the sons broke heavily and decided to stay together in their parental home,made a farmhouse,made a huge fund and started their respective work too.They made a trust for helping the poor and the ambitious village children.They did all that their parents dreamed of. All the dwellers got inspired by them and followed their ways as a duty of children towards the parents.