

One day, there was a simple man, he applied for a job at Microsoft,during the interview, he was accepted into the job and the manager asked him to writ his email to communicated with and send him a list of tasks of the job, but the man was not has an email, infact the man was uneducated and the job who applied for it was a janitor. The manager told him : who does not have an email he does not exist originally, and who not exist he does not worth the job. The man was shocked by the manager's strange response, then the man left the company with only ten dollars. The man kept thinking how he and his family would live and ten dollars not enough to open even a small investment, he was not know what Allah kept for him, so he decided to buy a box of tomatoes and started to selling it, and indeed he succeded in selling it and making money, so he decided to repeat the process until he got 60 dollars, from here he started to going out daily to sell and earning money until he made a 10000 dollars and that enaible him to bought a car and then truck, then a fleet of trucks and after 5 years he became one of the top suppliers foods in the world.
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