

I wrote a letter to one of the most beautiful girl...
she was my wife
the girl changed my life entirely!
she showed me different reasons to live
3years before i loved a girl she also nice girl but her family didn't accept our love and she gets married to someone! that means she doesn't cheated me!
her love is pure i know she loved me! but situation changed everything in fraction of seconds...
we couldn't ever imagine that we broke up!
her parents blackmailed her to marry someone!
why not?
is my question!
if a girl broke her love relationship for saving her parents life
is that sin?
yes it's hurt me lot i broken literally...i don't refuse that i have pain!
One day before her marriage she called me and cried
i was just numb
she told me i don't want to miss you i loved you so much i can able to come with you even now you will definitely take care me my now I need to follow my parents words or else they will commit suicide!
they think that if i marry the person they choosen i will lead a best life...may be it's best but not happiest they killed my wish
i replied her no you loved me but life has some surprises to you just wait for it you will taken care by your hubby stay happy forever!
the next day morning she going to marry!
while tying the marriage rope she looked at groom
she was very happy ...
Rajeev you?
yes she married to me!
her parents forced her to marry the one who she loved the most!
her parents doesn't know that they choosen the person who her daughter loved!
she was asking you know before? if you told means i won't felt bad...if i commit suicide what will you do?
why this play?
she asked me i never let you do some stupid thing nithiya!
reading this letter will makes you remember our past memories happy anniversary dear Nithiya
After Reading this letter... Nithiya asked me if I really married someone! Your decision will be the same...you didn't hate me?
No I don't hate you I want to see you happy! That day I felt like you going to marry someone and felt ....I know that was the big decision...to take! Sacrificing your love is also love...some never understand this!
Everyone's story doesn't end in this way fortunately ours... ends in happy!
But when it ends in sad accept the reality....and love the person who is going to travel in your life journey.