

One Nut
Tell you what, next time the weather app tells you its 21 degrees outside, rake off at least 5 degrees, coz that wasnt a freindly stay in the park.

- Did meet someone who was quite friendly though. Warmed my day up a little. He had this amazing light brown hair, and his eyes... they were just so... focused. I had to approach him carefully. You could tell he was one of those who get easily startled, but i made sure he knew i wasn't a threat.

We just stared at each other. Face to face. Still. He does the cutest little thing with his nose, its like a *wiggles nose*. Then, i don't know. He just left. I didnt even get his name. He just turned around his tail brushed my face. I saw him - what? Yes, i said tail. - well, i - he - didnt i say he was a squirell? Hmm. So i saw him run after what he really wanted. He's passionate about those nuts.

I watched him scamper away, about three feet, the he stopped. Then he scampered again. Then he stopped. Then he scampered again. Then he stopped. Then he scampered again. Then he stopped. Then he dropped the nut and climbed tree like the ground was on fire. He stood at the end of a long branch and i shit you not, he put his hand over his eyes like a viser and scouted out over the park. He spotted his new nut. As quick as his tiny legs took him up that tree he charged that nut like there was no tomorrow.

Thats when i knew. Im not a one nut squirell. So i called Shirley and told her i've being shagging her sister. So thats why im here mate - need a place to... uhm... ooh thats nice, you managed to get that sofa bed in then did ya? Anyone sleeping it ...or?

© Haiych