

Hauntings of The House Part 1.
The mansion loomed over them as they approached it. Her heart sank with a foreboding that ran like rivers through her entire body. Suddenly she wasn't sure if it was such a great idea to be part of this investigation.....

She knew it might be very dangerous as the mansion had its own share of stories which were not so good. But she do not have any option does she as its her last hope to find out about her family.

Allison and her older sister Aria had come back to the mansion where they had spend 2 years of their childhood the two years which changed their life drastically. It was the same mansion where they lose their parents when they were of very tender age Allison 9 and Aria 5 . Allison do not remember a thing about the time they spend here but she knew one thing and that was if she wanted to end all those nightmares and frightening things happening to her this haunted mansion is the answer to that.

Its been 15 years since they had been living in the dark thinking their parents died at a car accident but recently their Aunt Sharon told them it was because of the disturbing happenings in the mansion which killed their parents. And their parents would want them to visit it once so that they can soul rest in peace as since their death not a single soul from their family had visited it.

They entered inside and suddenly the door closed abruptly they both screamed.

Aria " Do you think its a good idea to come back here i mean the nightmares are not so scary then death" Allison " No we have to find out what happened to mom & dad and i really am tired of all those scary nightmares which seems so real it feels like someone is trying to kill us."

Allison remembered her aunt saying how happy her parents were when they got this mansion in a low price which was so beautiful. It was their dream house. Her aunt wanted to come with them too but an important work come on her way.

Suddenly she saw someone lurking behind the upper room she pointed this to Aria who got scared. They went to the stairway and start climbing the stairs suddenly she saw a figure going inside a room and suddenly the door closes creating a loud noise both of them screamed and heard a voice of laughter coming behind them.

To Be Continued..........

© Nandani Mishra