

Fireflies at night
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was there someone out there or was it her imagination?

Or maybe she was tired. Overworked and fatigued. She rubbed her eyes while yawning. A cup of coffee might do some good. She was about to lean back inside when she caught sight of a movement far away. Was that a white dot flickering? She squinted and kept watching. Soon, more white dots appeared. They all flickered against the darkness and became a sight to behold. Like fireflies in the night, they flew and their lights grew bright as if responding to one another.

She watched entranced. The lights grew closer and brighter and closer and brighter until she finally saw their real forms. Her gaze of wonder turned into horror.

They were not fireflies like she thought. She saw their faces as they grinned at her. They beckoned at her to come and join them, grabbing her and pulling her out of the window. She cried out refusing them, but too late their tiny but strong hands caught her. They lifted her out of the window against her will, holding on to her limbs as they flew higher and higher. until her home turned into a tiny speck.

She screamed terrified yet they ignored her pleas and laughed with childlike glee.

'Fly! Fly! Let's all fly together!'

They said in unison. Trembling with fear, she watched with growing horror as they let go of her and she plummeted to the ground.


A pool of blood spread underneath her corpse.

The lights dived towards the corpse and devoured the remains in a frenzy, leaving nothing behind except for the apperance of a new member. She laughed gaily as they welcomed her into their flock and they flew with abandoned glee in search of more people to join them.

And when the sun's first rays pierced the sky, they flew high up in the clouds until they couldn't be seen anymore, leaving a trail of gleeful laughter in the wind.