

The thing in the woods
In a small town surrounded by woods, there lives a legend. All the townfolks claim there is a beast that stalks the forest, they say it has a goats head, and a human body with hoofs for feet. They are so terrified of this creature that no one will enter the woods, not even hunters. Cryptid hunter Chip Lewis comes across the story while reading one day. He decides he'll go to the town and investigate these claims. Being a skeptic and a believer, he's the best man for the job. Chip is convinced it's probably just teenagers dressing up to scare people, but he still keeps an open mind because even he has seen things he can't explain. Chip arrives to the town on Monday morning and plans on staying for a week to investigate. He starts by going around and talking to the locals to get as much information about the creature as he can, he likes to be fully prepared for what these woods may contain. One old man he talks to says "you'll know when the beast is near, the stench of rotten flesh is overwhelming". The old man takes a puff off of his tobacco pipe then goes on "but you'll probably hear it before you smell it, it lets out a God awful scream. I've heard it before, even caught a glimpse of it running through the woods, I've never been back in the woods ever since that day". Chip believes he has enough to go on so he rents a room in the town's only motel "The sunrise motel" and begins preparing for his journey into the woods. He'll leave at day break the next morning. His alarm awakes him the next morning at 6:00 am. He gets dressed and packs all his gear. He sets down on the bed and inspects his rifle, he also carries a revolver on his side. It is now 7:24 and he's standing on the edge of the woods. Cautiously, Chip enters the woods. He finds a game trail and decides to follow it, the farther he goes the thicker the trees get. Chip notices how quiet it is. Up ahead on the trail he sees the remains of a deer, it appears to be a fresh kill. Suddenly he hears rustling around him, he aims his rifle trying to see what it is through his scope. The noise is coming from all directions. This creature moves fast. Chip gags a little when his nose catches a foul, rotten smell, then he hears it. He has never heard a creature that made sounds like this. It gets quiet again for a moment, then he hears it, right behind him breathing heavily right before it lets out a scream. Chip turns to face the beast, he is frozen in place. "The stories were true". Chip is in such a state that he can't even raise his rifle. The creature let's out a final scream followed by a man screaming for his life. Chip never makes it out of those woods.

© Reece Gibson