

I Can't Stop
Running , faster, faster, as the voices scream louder, I continue sprinting as I feel my legs burn as if they were on fire. He's coming, I shouldn't have signed up to do this. Is this legal, can they really kill us I thought. Suddenly my thoughts are interrupted as I hear rapid gunshots and see bodys collapsing behind me as the men get closer, I can't die here. If I just endure 100 more miles I can choose anything I desire. My legs are collapsing as the only thing driving me is my will to win the prize. I'm on my 100th mile as I start seeing the body's pile around me, there are 30 more members running next to me. At this point there was no color in anyone's face and our feet were mangled since the shoes we had on originally got destroyed. My pace starts slowing down as I hear my own brain pounding to stop, begging and pleading to take a break, I can't stop. More bullets are being shot as a stray hits my leg as I feel my bone crack beneath me as I continue running, I can't stop. More and more spread throughout the people until the only ones left are me and 3 others. These three people are in horrible shape as one's arms are mangled and bleeding and mangled and the other one you can see his entrails spilling as he continues running. How is he alive, suddenly he lunges at one of the other 3 the one who also has a leg injury and tears through his flesh and eyes as I hear the screams from everyone and the traumatic faces. Our fight or flight mode is broken too, we have no energy to sprint. He finishes his meal continuing to the next as the last untouched contestant charges me. I feel his teeth rip into my skin as if razors poked through it. This is my end I think. I'm so out of energy I just lay on the ground and accept my fate as he rips through all of my body until I'm laying on the ground as a shell of a person . I curse him for this, I won't die I say as I bleed out onto the ground, it was all in vain.

© Chrstna