



Nomathemba: So tell me my friend,what do you think is exactly my problem when it comes to relationships?
Nozipho: What do you mean?
Nomathemba: As you well know me, since I started dating I never had a longer relationship and they keep cheating on me and it worries me.

Nozipho: But I thought you were happily inlove with Sam and it's been two months now.

Nomathemba: [sadly]Well I thought so too but the chats I saw on his phone made me realise that I was fooled again, can you believe he was all along in a happy relationship with his baby mama?

Nozipho: I thought Sam had no child!
Nomathemba: I just found out on the chats I saw, and there's another side chick whom he started dating a day after he and I met.

"Nooo!!... he must be insane" says Nozipho with hand on her mouth and eyes wide open

Nomathemba: Insane!?.. he is absolutely out of his mind, I mean how could he cheat on his babymama especially with two girls... But I'm glad I realised all that before I slept with him.

Nozipho: I'm sorry my friend that should be hurting I mean you used to brag about him, tell me you broke up with him!?
Nomathemba: of course I did and guess what! he didn't even bother begging me! maybe this thing of love is just not my thing or maybe I'm just not good enough for anyone!?, see it's all why I think there's a problem with me.

Nozipho: [sympathetically] no my friend there's absolutely nothing wrong with you,you just never met the right guy and you will find him I mean look at you, you're beautiful,smart and you are a nurse which is well paying so there's nothing to worry about.

Nomathemba: [standing up] Thank you my friend, I have to get going now it's about time to cook for my family.
Nozipho: no worries my friend catch up again soon.[they separated]


Zinhle: [gossipy]Hey girl... did you see the new guy?

"Sounds like someone is interested on a new doctor" says Nomathemba with a naughty look

Zinhle: Well you know me very well, and I can feel it that he's mine I mean he's good for me, isn't he?
Nomathemba: [Laughly] and how do you know that yet I mean he just started today!?
Zinhle: just give me a day or two you'll see
Nomathemba: (now laughing out loud) you go girl.

[The old doctor (Jabu) with the new doctor (John)]

Jabu: Hey man how's new job!?
John: Sure man so far so good no complaints, I just saw this other girl she's a nurse, the way she looks I think I'm interested in her.

Jabu: Which girl I mean there are plenty nurses in this hospital?
John: The one with long dress and red scarf.
Jabu: Oh that's Nomathemba, she's from a rich family so you won't have to give her that much of a girlfriend allowance,go for her man!.

John: doesn't she have any boyfriend that you know of?

Jabu: No .... actually not that I know of, but she once dated Themba the security guy and it turned out that he's been only using her for money while he had a girlfriend, she used to complain that the guy was always having food insufficiency and she had to send him money almost every week but never really expressed his love for her until she found out about his girlfriend and she dumped him immediately,that broke her heart.

John: alright thanks for the heads up man I appreciate you, now I'm gonna get to her as soon as I get a chance.

Jabu: good luck man!.


Nomathemba: So girl how's it going with your interests in the new doctor!?...

"Lower your voice there he comes" says Zinhle, biting her nails.

"Hello ladies " says John with a smile

"hello and welcome to MidGeneral hospital " blushingly says Zinhle

"Thanks hey...., so you the most quiet lady in here" ask John looking at Nomathemba.

"Oh me...!? no I'm not so quiet it's just ..I was still gonna answer you...so..how are we 'MidGen' so far!?" Nomathemba asks.

John: Well I....
Zinhle: [rushing him] Don't you want a share of my food? I made extra for you.
John: Oh that's so nice of you,thanks...uhm...[taking the bread from her].. so as I was asking ...uhm... what's your name again!?
Zinhle: [giving him a hand for a shake] I'm Zinhle, it's likewise to meet you.
John: Thank you Zinhle, and yours?[looking at Nomathemba]
Zinhle: She's Nomathemba.... how do you like my bread?
John: Your bread is good, nice to meet you ladies, see you around...oh and again, I appreciate your warm welcome, it's good to be here.[leaving the canteen]

"you see girl,that he accepted my food means he's on to me, first step accomplished" says Zinhle

"you go girl " says Nomathemba with a smile.


.... as she's about to pass along the guy called Vuyo, they crashed on each other...

Vuyo: I'm very very sorry ma'am it was a mistake [picking up her staff that fell]

"No no no!... you don't have to pick anything I'll do it myself I know it was a mistake..." Says Nomathemba

Vuyo: Well at least let me help you!
[They picked everything and stood up and steered at each other's eyes]

Nomathemba: You a good person you know , it's very rare for people to say sorry these days
Vuyo: A nice guy huh!?
Nomathemba: Yes!....uhm...look I have to go, thanks again for your gratitude hey enjoy the rest of your day.
Vuyo: Thanks... enjoy yours too...ehh..can I be your friend if you don't mind!?
Nomathemba: Uhm...eeeh!.... maybe next time hey I have to go now.
Vuyo: Alright bye then!


Nozipho: And what happened now that you have to visit me at this time of the day!?
Nomathemba: My friend I need your advice.
Nozipho: About!?

"There are two guys that seems to have interests on me...,I don't know who to choose and I don't know them yet" says Nomathemba.

"no no no!... girl you just broke up with Sam a few weeks ago, you can't look for another relationship so soon" says Nozipho with a warning tone!

Nomathemba: dude you not helping!

Nozipho: Alright then tell me about them

Nomathemba: So there's this new guy at work, he's a doctor, he's clean and charming...but!... my friend is crushing on him and I think he's crushing on me instead.... then there's this other guy I met today...we crashed on to each other and my staff fell then we both picked them up, he called me ma'am and he politely apologized then we steered at each other's eyes and we both kept quiet for a while...[biting her nails]... dude it was like we were shocked, all I saw in his eyes was love and I think through his eyes I saw the kindness of his heart I mean he really seemed like a good loving person...but... he seemed to be not financially well, hence he's working at Ouma's restaurant I think he's a waiter ...but I don't mind his pockets.

Nozipho: See now you have a lot of "buts"...why don't you go for a doctor... I mean you're a nurse what you gonna do with a waiter!?

Nomathemba: And what about the colleague?
Nozipho: He's not onto her but you, remember sometimes it's good to go for the one that crush on you and not the one you crush on.
Nomathemba: But the waiter is crushing on me as well.

" just forget about the waiter, he's not worthy for you" says Nozipho in a polite loud voice.

"first come first serve, I'll wait for the one that propose first.... good night my friend, I gotta get going now" Nomathemba said.
[got out]


Zinhle: So Nomathemba when last did you speak to John?
Nomathemba: Oh he came to great me and said he was just asking if I'm okay why!?

"Aw...so...did he perhaps ask about me, I'm sure he was looking for me" Zinhle asks with a sad tone.

Nomathemba: He actually didn't say anything except that he was just checking up on me.!
Zinhle: I don't like the talking of you two on my absence please be sure to avoid him as much as possible... otherwise I don't want him to get confused.

"confused... so what exactly would confuse him" surprisingly ask Nomathemba

Zinhle: forget I said that... just try to avoid him please....oh there he comes... would you please give us a space...see he brought some food for me!?

"I'll get some water on the fridge" says Nomathemba standing up and heading to the fridge.

"Hey I thought I saw Nomathemba with you here where did she go suddenly!?" asks John looking surprised

"Are those sandwiches mine!?... you are so amazing thank you!" says Zinhle standing up and collect the sandwiches

John: would you please share with your friend!?
Zinhle: yes of course!... and thanks again... I mean your kindness perfectly fit in your charming![smiling and blushing]
John: Thanks hey!... Oh hi Nomathemba how are you?
Nomathemba:[from distance] Hi Mr John.
John: Please come closer hey...why do I feel like you avoiding me!?

Nomathemba: Ow no! I was just getting some water!

John: Alright so how would you like to go out with me sometime just to know you better!?

Nomathemba: Are you asking me out for a date?[with eyes wide open]

John: Let's not call it a date for now ... we'll decide afterwards.
Nomathemba: How about we go out the three of us since you say it's not a date!?

"No!.... you're a bad friend.... why don't you give me a chance with John" shouts Zinhle hitting on the table

John: So the every same way you hit on that table,you going to do the same on a date?!

Zinhle: No! Mr John I'm sorry.... I...it... it's just that Nomathemba is always stealing my boyfriends

John: Hold on right there! "your boyfriends" [he quote] am I one of them!?

Zinhle: No!

John: Well I'm glad I'm not!... actually I think you're the one that should give us a chance.... Nomathemba I'll pick you up around knock off time if you don't mind!

Nomathemba: Where to?
John: Table for two[winking his eye on her]
Nomathemba: Alright see you then bye!

Zinhle: [sadly and angry] I thought you were my friend!... how could you do that after I told you how I feel about him!?

Nomathemba: I didn't ask him but he did.... and I wanted to give you the chance which is why I asked him if we could go together... I was gonna cancel late for you to get to go with him... but the way you shouted at me was unjustly and for that, I'll go with him... bye [left the canteen]


John: So you love sea food don't you?
Nomathemba: Yes I do...a lot.. how did you know?
John: I didn't know ... I just wanted us to start with my favourite then on our next date we go to yours.

Nomathemba:[smiling] This is my favourite too.... Oh...uhm...so there's another date huh!?

John: Yes why not ... I mean I'd like to,if you don't mind.

Nomathemba: I also don't see any problem with that ,it actually would be great....so... you said you wanted to know me more!?
John: Ow yeah...so tell me...are you seeing someone?
Nomathemba: No! and you?

"How come is it possible that a beautiful lady like you could be single" says John with naughty look.

Nomathemba: And why would you answer a question with a question!?[blushing]

John:Well it's funny because I can't hear everything you say..
Nomathemba: Why? or... would you like me to be a bit more loud?
John: Even if you were whispering on my ears it would be the same... I mean I think I'm carried away!

Nomathemba: By?

John: You know sometimes when the gold miners are digging , and one of them see a most shining stone that is yellowish and kinda brownish of dirt ,then he knows very well that he found what he's been looking for,and by that time he can't hear anything but to steer at the yellowish stone....and he be like "I found the one"

"I suppose you not comparing me with the yellowish stone...are you!?" asks Nomathemba with more blush.

John: [with naughty look]Sorry what were you saying?

Nomathemba: [blushingly biting her nails] I'm right here, there's no way you didn't hear me.

John: Well I know it's too soon for me to say this but it is what it is... I...ehh...uhm.... I think I'm falling for you!

Nomathemba: And how do you know that I mean we just met.
John: I don't wanna lie but I loved you when I first saw you.
Nomathemba: And what made you love me on your first sight?

John: Your voice, your attitude, your smile I mean bottom line,your beautiful and stunning... I'm just running mad when I see you.

Nomathemba: oh owkay!
John: So how would you like to be my girlfriend!?

Nomathemba: I'm not so sure about that!
John: That doesn't sound like a NO!
Nomathemba: Yes... I mean NO...
John: What's your answer actually?....infact don't answer me now.

Nomathemba: And when would you like me to answer you?
John: on our next date!
Nomathemba: Alright!
John:It was nice to be with you though!
Nomathemba: was nice to me too...but...you didn't tell me anything about you...are you seeing someone?

John: Nope!

"And why would you be surprised that I'm single when you're too" asks Nomathemba folding her hands

John: Your beauty makes us different!
Nomathemba: Oh... I....
[John's phone rings]
Nomathemba: Are you not gonna take it?

"I have to go...it was nice to be with you... I'll call a bolt to take you home" says John standing up to leave.

"just like that.... you won't take me home!?" asks Nomathemba with a surprised face.

John:[turning his back on her] I'm sorry I should get going... bye

Nomathemba: WOW!!!


John: I didn't see you at work yesterday.
Nomathemba: Did you want to?

"Of course I did...how could you ask me that?" asks John

"I can't believe you John....so now you going to act like nothing happened the other day?" Nomathemba asks

John: I...eer.....
[Comes a lady(Mbali) holding a child on her hand and other baby on her back]

" So this is how you spend your money huh?..!?.. this is why you always don't have money for your children huh!?..?.." shouts Mbali putting the baby on a table .

"Wait! wait! wait!.... what's going on here!?" Nomathemba asks with a lower tone and surprised

"You shut your big mouth before I clap it....you[poiting John] what is this that you having a date with!?.... you cheating on me with this thing " shouts Mbali now pointing Nomathemba.

Nomathemba: John will you please explain what's going on here I thought you said you were not seeing someone, let alone the two kids,you said you didn't have any kid!? [Now crying]

Mbali: Hold on a minute!... he said what!!!?... so he's denying his kids ... well we have two kids together as you can see and guess what...we are expecting our third born so you better look for another man...

[Nomathemba couldn't take it anymore so she left them]


"Only if it's work related then we can talk but other than that.... I'm busy" says Nomathemba

John: Look I can explain [looking sad]

Nomathemba: Go and explain to your family that you hiding

John: I'm sorry I lied to you...yes they're my family....but I love you!

"If you knew what love is,then you wouldn't hide your family...or what you want me to be your next hidden girlfriend!?" asks Nomathemba with an attitude

"I won't give up on you no matter what, you just need some time to come back to your senses " says John

Nomathemba: Senses!!??.... you are the one who's out of senses just go to your family and be a good father to your kids
John:[left her there]

Nomathemba: [Sitting down and having a lot of questions on her mind]
"* What if he really love me?... what if he's the one?... should I forgive him? everyone deserves a second chance...so they say...no but he's wrong I can't....or maybe that girl is...no no no....it all doesn't make sense...what!!?...did ...ahh let me forget about him... no but he...*"


"Young lady!, who killed my cat!? just tell me it wasn't you" asks an older granny

Nomathemba: I'm sorry granny it was me and I will by a new cat for you and I....

Granny: Shut up! ....who said I want a new cat....do you know what cat was this... do you have any idea what you just did!?

Nomathemba: I'm... I...plea....so...uhm...eeh

"talk woman!!" shouts granny

Nomathemba: it was a mistake.... I promise I...

Granny: I want you to listen to me very clearly and very very clearly! .... I'm the most powerful whitch in this hood and I will curse you... I have a vision that you are not lucky when it comes to love....so the curse will start after three months.... you will collapse for three hours and you will only be saved by the kiss of your true love, someone you truly love and he must truly love you too.... good bye! [turning her back on Nomathemba]

"But you can't do that....wait...granny.... maybe curse me with something else... granny...grrr... oh my god!" Nomathemba says... slowly sitting down with tears in her eyes

[She then got into her car and drove off]


"Friend why are you running what happ...." asks Nozipho looking frightened

Nomathemba: [rushing her] I think my life is over now.... I just...you know... I....are.....
Nozipho: Just tell me what happened you scaring me !?
Nomathemba: So I hit on this old intimidating grannies' cat and killed it with my car, and now she said she's a powerful whitch , and she's going to curse me with true love that I don't think I'll ever have.

"Wait! what!??.... where's she from?" asks frightened Nozipho with wide open eyes.

Nomathemba: Down the strees next to Job's tarven.

Nozipho: NOOOO!!!... I heard of that witch and she's.... my friend you....this must be a.... but how... I mean did you not see that cat?

Nomathemba: I was frustrated by what John did to me and I was neither seeing clearly nor even think....[now crying] I found out that I was fooled again, he...he has...a wife and kids....and his wife showed up....she caused a huge scene.... she ....she call...called me "a thing" like I was nothing...like I was just as less valuable as a used tea bag.... I.... I...uhm...!!

Nozipho:[ sympathetically hugging her] I'm so sorry my friend everything will be alright... I think.... uhm let's go to Ndalo's pub and drink out your pain I'm sure it's all hard for you.

Nomathemba:[whipping tears] I'm not sure about that... I don't know what I really need right now .

Nozipho: Clubbing will make you forget, well at least for now... I mean I can't afford to loose you of stress or so of depression and staff... come let's go... it's all on me.

[Both left to the pub]



"I think you were right.... I'm having so much fun in here.... thanks my friend you the best friend ever " happily says Nomathemba

Nozipho: pleasure is all mine my friend....but unfortunately there's something that's gonna take away your happiness.

Nomathemba: [Stops dancing] what do you mean?

Nozipho: That's your very recent ex boyfriend over there.

Nomathemba: [pulling her to get going] damn let's go now!!..

Nozipho: No no no! don't do that.... let's stay , show him you are better off without him... actually I think I have an idea.... find any guy that seems to be single and make him jealous...

"You know what!?...I think I like the idea ... please help me look for a guy" says Nomathemba trying to act strong.

Nozipho: But please don't fall in love remember this is just an act...

Nomathemba: Gotta!!

"Uhm how about that guy over there...he seems to be alone and bored....you see him there by the counter chair" says Nozipho pointing at the guy

" Wait a minute!.... that's the guy I told you I met four days ago" says Nomathemba with a smile

Nozipho: Who!?.... the waiter!?

Nozipho: Hell no!!... He might even think you on to him ... let's look for someone else.
Nomathemba: No!....Zipho I'll be fine with him, and I trust him so let me risk with someone I trust.

Nozipho: I'm not so happy with that idea .... I mean what would people say when you with someone like that ...look at his wearing...no my friend you are too worthy for him.

Nomathemba: Thanks Zipho...but I'm going to him anyway....will you be fine alone?
"Yeah sure" says Nozipho turning her back on her friend.

"Waiting for someone!?" Asks Nomathemba with a shy tone

Vuyo: [Smiling] Oh hey.... I never thought I'll ever see you again.... I'm all alone you can join if you want to !

Nomathemba: [She sits] Thanks hey....look do you still wish to be my friend?
Vuyo: Yes I really would like to.
Nomathemba: Alright if you really do then I'm gonna need a favour from you.

Vuyo: Anything for you!
Nomathemba: Can you pretend to be my boyfriend?

Vuyo: What!?...why?..

Nomathemba: [pointing at John] see that guy with red cap over there!?

Vuyo: Uh-huh!

Nomathemba: He's my very recent ex boyfriend and he just can't back off so I need you to act like you my new boyfriend.

Vuyo: I..uhm... I'm not so sure about that, I mean what if he comes over and do something to me?

Nomathemba: No he won't... just trust me okay...
Vuyo: Alright so what do we do!?....do we hold each other's hands or what?
Nomathemba: He must be jealous by now.... forget about him... I don't know much about you!
Vuyo: is there anything you would like to know?
Nomathemba: Yes of course!
Vuyo: Uhm....seems like you ex doesn't even care... I mean look at him ..
Nomathemba: Oh yeah I see... alright let's hold hands

[They Held each other's hands and steered on each other's eyes]

Vuyo: So what's your name?
Nomathemba: Uhm... sorry what!?
Vuyo: So you really didn't hear me...huh?
Nomathemba: Oh...eeeh.. I'm Nomathemba Zulu and you are?..

Vuyo: I'm Vuyo Lubisi .... Uhm....Nomathemba ....are you sure you want us to continue with the act!?.... I mean seems like it's a waste of time,look at him he doesn't even look at us that often.

"Do you mind if I kiss you?" asks Nomathemba now starting to get drunk..

"Not at all" Vuyo responds , coming closer to her.

Vuyo: Oh... I...uhm... It was nice....but I thought it would just be a baby kiss

Nomathemba:[laughing] Was it really nice huh!?
Vuyo: Bottom line "stunning"
Nomathemba: It was nice to me too....maybe the act is nicer than all these fake relationships

Vuyo: And why wouldn't relationships be nice if I may ask?

Nomathemba:[looking sad]Maybe for some people it's cool .... but for me it's hell!

Vuyo: Problems in paradise?

Nomathemba: Vuyo I'm not talking about my recent relationship or previous to it.... I'm talking about my relationship hood .... I've never been in a relationship for at least three months. Everyone cheats on me..., leave me.., it just doesn't work out for me.Maybe I'm just never good enough for anyone.

Vuyo: [Feeling sorry for her] oh I never thought you were going through that.... I'm sorry... but tell you what.... I think you just not good enough in choosing the right person, after all you are perfect, it's just rare to find someone real our there.

Nomathemba: Aaaaw! that's so nice of you... would you like another kiss?

Vuyo: Would you!?

Nomathemba: Your kiss makes me happier so yes!
[both kissed again]

Vuyo: I don't usually spend too much of time on places like this...so I think I should get going.... will you be fine!?

Nomathemba: [Now a bit more drunk] I'm coming with you!

Vuyo: I'm going home!
Nomathemba: Am I not welcome?

Vuyo: Of course you are welcome.... it's just.... going home with you.... I mean I thought everything was an act.

"Just come with me" says Nomathemba pulling Vuyo to get going.


Vuyo: So .. I...uhm... are we going to sleep on the same room?

Nomathemba: And!! on the same bed!... I thought you said I'm welcome..... please help me unzip my dress from the back.

Vuyo:[shocked] uhm...okay.....there you go...done...
Nomathemba: My bra as well please.

Vuyo: Seems like you gonna be taking all your clothes off..... there we go....done!

Nomathemba: Thanks Vuyo!

Vuyo: Nice pan....!
Nomathemba: [Turning around to face him] Shhhh! .... [She kissed him]
Vuyo: [Pulling away] Nomathemba...are you sure you not too drunk....!
Nomathemba: Uh-huh! [kissed again]

[15 minutes later]

Nomathemba: And why are you so quiet?
Vuyo: I don't know what to say... I mean don't you regret?
Nomathemba: Let's see everything in the morning...for now I wanna sleep.

Vuyo: No worries!... good night then!
Nomathemba: [Getting on top of him] Good night too[ she kissed him again]
Vuyo: I thought you said....!
Nomathemba: Oh! uhm... again... I'm ...[Continued kissing again]

[45minutes later]

Vuyo: [Sweating]That was amazing!

Nomathemba: And what about the first time ?

Vuyo : Was great too ....just was too short.
Nomathemba: I saw.... what made it short....when was your last time doing it?
Vuyo: About a year or so ....and you!?
Nomathemba:[lying on his chest] about two years.... what made you stay so long without the deed I mean boys are all over looking for it .
Vuyo: I'm sleepy now.... let's talk again in the morning!... don't you mind?!

"Nope I'm sleepy too so yes .... Good night then" says Nomathemba.

[Both slept]


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