

Physical and verbal abuse
I ran all the way home from the ground. The older boys had beaten me up good but I still had the strength to run as far as I could from them.
I knew my mother would be the next one to thrash me for getting beaten up, which was ironical, if you know what I mean. But I had no choice. I couldn't tell her the real reason the boys picked on me...
I won't call that ragging because that is the word used in colleges. But I am a boy of 14 years. Every morning, I am verbally or emotionally abused with such terrifying ways that it was a waste to tell my mother and cry infront of her.

Caste discrimination was at its peaks in my village. People like me had to think twice before stepping out of the house. ....

But that day, I was returning back from school, with my dress already covered with mud. I was a guttersnipe on the streets. It was no surprise being surrounded by older boys who played pranks with me as usual. But this time, it was horrifying than the worst. "Hey you nasty mouse" And they started kicking my back and butt. I cried in pain but it was of no use. My efforts to save myself were futile. My hark wasn't heard by anyone else other than the dumb fat boys. I was beaten so badly that I was left almost half dead. But I ran.......
Mom came running to my loud cries, shocked to see my half covered with blood.
"Where had you been? What happened? Got beaten up again?"
"You won't understand mom. It's a waste to tell you".
"Tell me what happened" She cried.
I narrated the whole incident.

She called my dad and both of them rushed me to the hospital. The news spread like wild fire, not only to my village, but also to the surrounding towns. It shook the society.

After a few days, I was recovered physically. But mentally, I was in the same state as before, the fights and protests continued. My whole village and the surrounding areas were boiling with anger.

Finally, the judicial system put those boys behind the bars and stricter laws and punishments for discrimination were implemented. It was a big win for the lower caste people.

Reon Sylvester D Cunha

© Sylvereon