

Murder of Truth
Write a short story using at least three from the five prompts given:
An empty suitcase full of memories.
The messages added salt to wounds.
The car accelerated before the signal turned green.
A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on.
A dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies.

It was a cold night when I moved out of my apartment just bcuz of some questions confusing my whole existence. I shared my state of emptiness with my friends but they couldn't understand a thing and the recent anonymous emails I received forced me to search for answers . I talked to my best friend about it but the messages added salt to wounds. I felt like whole earth despite of its vastness is contracted to a point that I couldn't even stand firmly on my two feets on it. I got my car's keys and left this exciting yet compassion less life behind. Past was calling me and it was impossible for me to not answer that call this time. The road was empty so I took opportunity and rushed meanwhile saw a signal & stopped car at red light. The car accelerated before the signal turned green. Then I never looked back and take deep breath upon reaching my destination _a place not less than a nightmare for me. After locking my car I went straight to the steep hill and Found my heart restless after reaching the top just in front of the gate of my once heaven_my home. Everything was same just as it was at the time I left bcuz there's nothing left for me to stay there. An old jealousy and hatred of villagers with my family ended everything and left me wounded to die and live regretting and questioning my very existence, that's what was happening up till now ,i suffered ,lost faith in everything and myself but after receiving those emails I now knew it was time for everything to stop and to regain my strength back. The very purpose ,I travelled so far and reached place filled with venomous snakes, is to prove my family's innocence and to mend my own damaged crown. After passing through the hallway that's devastated and stained with blood spots everywhere , I reached my room that was even more haunting. My parents blood spilled there though I couldn't cry but inside felt like I'm crumbling. I couldn't cry but felt like been cut to million pieces and that very moment took me back so many years and I again imagined everything happening in front of my eyes. That emotional distress was unexplainable but I kept my hands moving and searching for truth . Opened wardrobe_A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on , it filled my eyes with tears and I wished for my parents to be alive but I just got more heartbreak to deal with. Then dragged an empty suitcase full of memories from under the burned bed.I remembered This suitcase was my mom's favourite and she used to put my clothes with hers in it every time we used to visit my grandma. That time can't ever come back but I'm gonna make them all realize they did so wrong _I hissed. The feeling of anger and hatred overwhelmed me at one point but I promised myself to act like a major and to stand against injustice like a Monster_who's gonna be a nightmare for liars and beasts hearts but in the righteous way. There has to be some difference between them and me so I just shook my head and brought myself back to present moment and I tried to start searching for clues again but I was so tired that I couldn't stay awake for long and as soon as I sat on chair I fell into deep sleep. In the morning Sun rays woke me up with their gentle caresses and after enjoying slumber my mind felt so fresh that suddenly a line from the email struck my memory ;A dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies.
Whosoever had written that must have known my parents, our family and the truth too. I made a promise that I'll find that sender and will ask them all questions bugging my mind. The very next moment I found myself holding a bookcase that I took out under the wardrobe. I opened that and Found the pictures of my family and an unknown person. now it was time to search email sender so I contacted my friend In CIA and She gave me all the information I needed. I went straight to old age home and met the very person who's my only friend on the face of earth at this very moment. we talked about everything that puzzled me for years and She so humbly told me everything then I asked about the person in pictures she told He's my father's brother and wanted to marry my mother but my mother loved my father and so he killed them and set everything on fire. This very lady named Ana saved my life and prayed for my well-being for years I owe her my life and I wish I never loose her She's my whole family NOW. Villagers came to know about my return and They couldn't believe the truth but after seeing all proofs They payed their deepest condolences and offered me to stay and that they'll never let anyone harm me again but I got better purpose now And so me and Ana we both left village and reached far off city where no body knows us and we can live like a perfect happy family together. Nothing could have hurt me anymore coz my restless heart now found peace after knowing truth_that's life.