

What is feminism?
What is Feminism? A lot of the population believes Feminism is to replace men in power with women in power. That is incorrect in most accounts. If you believe in equality you believe in most feminists’ mission. Honourable judges and fellow humans today I'm going to dive into the idea of Feminism. As I said before most feminists believe in equality not being in complete control. Even then we don't want to be violent like men are. Why is this? Because no one should have to scream fire and not assault. Because a movie shouldn't be called out for being " too feminist" just because it shows what over 50% of the female population deals with. Because no one should be told that being picked on means they like you. Because no one should be laughed at for going through something half the population does. Because no one should have to be told that it's their fault for someone else not being able to control their actions. Because no one should have to be told not to cry. Because no one should be told not to fight for their own rights not to be oppressed because others have it worse. We all know that. Oppression is not a competition to win. Feminism is a war in its own way that has been going on for years. There have been people killed, tortured, hurt, and scarred for it. Feminism is the idea that no one should have to be scared of each other and what they might do. Sexual assault is one of the biggest issues feminists are dealing with in the western world. Approximately 4.7 million women – or 30% of all women aged 15 and older – have been sexually assaulted outside of intimate relationships at least once since age 15 (Statistics Canada, 2019). 22 incidents of sexual assault for every 1,000 people in Canada aged 15 and older. There are an estimated 2 out of 3 cases that go unreported. These stats are only part of the reason there are feminists. Feminists are trying to change things including gender roles, the concept of power, bias in the world due to gender, and more. Our goal isn't to change males in power with women in power. It's to change the idea that someone should have so much control over people. But the thing is people mistake the word "equal" for the word "identical" in this situation. Men and women and other genders have differences, no denying that. So being equal means that no one should be considered less for their gender. I am a strong feminist, I truly believe in feminism so I hear people shut me down all the time. People shut me down without care because they don't want to hear it. They shut me down often because at 14 years old apparently, I shouldn’t have to deal with these kinds of issues. When they don't it's either because they agree with me or they want to fight me on the subject. One of the arguments I've heard a lot is " then men should be able to hit women". For one thing that already happens, for two what kind of world do we live in for that to be someone's first argument about feminism? Because whatever world they're living in I don't want to be in. Another fight that feminists are fighting is the legality of abortion. The thing about those laws is that they aren't to help, they are to control woman's bodies. If they want to help they would make it illegal for someone who got a woman pregnant to abandon their child. Why should it be primarily the woman's responsibility? Feminism is such an in-depth topic that in 3 minutes I’ve barely have touched the surface of any issues revolving around feminism in these said three minutes. How much does that tell you when I’ve gone into stats and actual problems? All of those “because no one should” I started with are things that actually happen.
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