

Among the best one's
Life is full of up and downs.... Like a roller coaster. we experience many things and feelings in life.

But what happen when we stop experiencing any feelings. This was my case. My biggest problem was I don't have any problem in my life. My life was going smoothly as butter move on hot pan. This seems to be good but in reality it is not... Life becomes boring when you don't have any goal. I was repeating my so called boring schedule every day.

In starting my mobile phone was a way of escaping for me. I used to watch it 10 hours a day. Because that was the only thing to do for me. In starting, everything was fine. It seems that now my days will run fast as I have mobile for time pass. But after some time, i stop talking with my family members. I don't know but I start feeling irritated when someone tries to talk me in my family except my one friend. I lost interest in everything remained in my life. It seems that something was missing in my life.

At first I don't pay attention towards it. But slowly the symptoms increase. One day one of my aunt visit our home and she says that Khush you're changed. That time I don't take it seriously but slowly I also start experiencing that I am really changing.. I was never that person... I was always cheerful, hard working and talk politely with everyone... But now I have changed into a completely different person. I researched about this and found that I have a light depression.

One day I get a invitation from my Maternal uncle home for a party. And they want me to arrive five days before, so I can help them in preparations. I really don't want to go. I try to resist but I can't because my uncle and his family used to love me so much . That's why in the end I get ready and went there.

After reaching there, I just put my mobile on the shelf and in the day i merely use it for 15 minutes. Because there was lot of work to do.

After 2 days, I start feeling light and happy. I start talking as I used to do in the past. All the family members used to talk with me and especially my cousins who used to tease me without any reason but there teasing make my mood light. Days fly and finally the party was over. And now I am back at Home.

The five days which I spend at my maternal uncle's house are among the best days of life. Which gave my life a goal and a new start.

We all used to have this problem, but we try to escape from the situation by watching tv, mobile etc. But the thing is we cannot run from it. If we ignore this, if we don't talk with ourselves the problem will increase. Therefore when you feel like you're loosing everything. you're loosing yourself just put your mobile aside and listen what you want and believe the thing which you're searching everywhere is inside you.

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