

Forbidden Fruit
Forbidden Fruit
Have you ever wanted something so bad, that you would do just about anything to get it.
Why do we always want what we can't have? Like eating a piece of Forbidden Fruit, looks good but you dared not touch it.. That takes us back to the Tree of Knowledge of God and Evil tasted by Adam and Eve against God's Prohibition... Any unlawful pleasure especially illict sexual indulgence... To order a person not to do something, this day and time trying to tell someone not to do something doesn't work. Because when want, lust, obsession and desire come over you, who can really control the urge. Look at it as the K.I.S.S. equation Keep It Short & Simple.. You have to use all 5 senses
Eyes look appealing, appetizing
Ears sound it makes, whether firm, soft or hard
Nose smell aroma inhale/exhale
Mouth textures of taste, sour, salty, sweet, bitter, tantalizing
Touch hands feeling and caressig to see if it's firm, soft or hard
Sometimes when they are slow to do what you want. Now if you try to prevent or prohibit certain things, you might want to be prepared for whatever happens after that.... Forbidden Fruit creates many jams.. If you see something you want and chances are you go after it.. Because it if you don't then you live to regret it. Because if your Forbidden Fruit or Object of Desire,is in you sight or within your reach do whatever your heart tells you to do. You try to resist them ,yet your infused with or feeling deep affection and passion for him or her.. If you approach them and she or he respond to you the way you desired that is good. He is standing there tall, mysterious, well built, dressed to kill, just how God designed him, in his own image.. Some men are so sexy until they open their mouths, first impression says it all.. Then you sashay in the room Medium height 34-26-34 build, beautiful complexion, dressed to the nines,standing there looking like a breath taking advertisement. On that same note we can be just like men, be drop dead gorgeous until we say something.. Once you get past the first impressions and then everything will fall into place. When we are talking about Forbidden Fruit, some times it called that for a reason. You get to know him or her and you start a relationship after awhile. Now it's to the point you can't live without him or her.On one hand you have fallen for your Forbidden Fruit and you are so in love with them it seem impossible to believe.. Wanting to know what they are thinking about,if they are ok,if they are in pain. You want him or her to be the first person you hear from when you wake up, and the last one you hear from before you go to bed.. Then on the other hand you have someone who say you love him or her but you don't show it. Actions always speak louder than words. They are with you but not for the right reasons, always a motive or hidden agenda behind what they do. Be careful when selecting Forbidden Fruit, everything that looks good or even tastes good aint always good for you.......