the bond magic
a magical world in a magical world everyone could do magic Everything in this magical world is very beautiful very lovely But this caste was in a place in the world that had come home black and scary A very dangerous and evil wizard lived in this place He wanted to turn the whole magical world into a dark magical world Because the king of the magical world is a very good magician, the evil magician could never win over him. The evil wizard was always looking for a way to defeat the good wizard. 1 day good wizard went on a windy walk with his two sons wizard lot was happy while taking a walk in the air with his two sons They were having a lot of fun looking at the beautiful scenery and passing through a valley The evil wizard was watching him in his magic mirror as they passed through the valley he attacked them with a storm the good wizard tries to stop the storm with his power Meanwhile the good wizard's little son falls inside the valley in this storm...