

caught off guard
As I walked down the corridor I felt a pinch on my neck. I turned and it was none other than one of my annoying classmates. I laughed it off, though it irritated me. I then went to collect few art supplies from my class. I heard a sudden shriek right as soon I entered and it was him again. It wasn't entertained by me, in any possible way. I gave a stern warning and then chuckled though I genuinely wanted to not do the last part. It was now last period. Right after games, tired and my entire face sweaty. As I got up from my bench and approached the door he pulled my hair from behind. I lost my cool. I pushed him against the wall and oops. It wasn't him, but HIM. He showed no anger, but tilted his face slightly, raised his eyebrows and did the eye thingy. I was internally shouting at the top of my lungs. "I thought it was fine" he said in his normal tone. Little did he know that that made my heart somersault. And also "fine"?, ohh it was more than fine, trust me.
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