

The Story Of The Hog And the Crow
There was once a hog who lived in a forest,

The Hog was strong and fast.

However the forest was starving,

They could find clean water simply, easily, it was never taken from them.

Until one day a Crow appeared

The Hog knew they were stronger then the Crow, that they had worked for everything that it has and would finally be able to eat after so long.

The Crow won

The Crow spared the Hog's life, in doing so, the Hog asked how the Crow had beaten them.

The Crow simply explained that they were not hungry, that they were fighting to protect themself. Nothing more nothing less.

The Hog asked how the Crow was not hungry, it seemed the forest was starving before time itself.

The Crow explained again; saying they would find the work that someone else had done, food left behind by others as they searched on for more.

The Crow scavenged and did not waste,

The Hog asked why the Crow could not just get its own food, leave the filth to the forest floor instead of picking bones clean.

The Crow patiently told that it was too weak, it will not be able to stand a chance against any fight that it was up against.

The Hog made a deal with the Crow

If it could find some food to share, the Hog could have what remains, in return the Hog would protect the crow, they would work together

After many years of good luck, the Crow and Hog taught the forest how to salvage and scavenge, to not waste and share with each other.

And that is the story of the Hog and the Crow.

Art by birdaboos2
This is inspired by, like, five different things I've seen lol God Of War 2018, Emerald Duo, and indigenous stories I heard in class and fables. It's a story I made for my DnD group last year and felt like posting it ¯⁠⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ My goal is to get a seven-day streak and then never uses app again /j
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