

A Call for Change: Transforming Governance, Education, and Healthcare for a Better Future Before casting my vote( 1st Part)
Social Media Rules:
- Proof Requirement: Demands that anyone making statements about the country or Prime Minister on social media should provide evidence to support their claims. This is to prevent the spread of false information and baseless accusations.
- Court Intervention: Suggests that the High Court should be empowered to take legal action against individuals who make unsubstantiated claims on social media platforms.
- Live Proceedings: Advocates for live broadcasting of court proceedings related to social media incitement cases. This transparency aims to show how people manipulate social media to provoke others.
- Punishment: Proposes a minimum one-year punishment for the first offense of spreading false information on social media, escalating to a minimum of 10 years for repeat offenses. This strict punishment is intended to deter individuals from engaging in such activities.
- Family Accountability: Calls for holding family members accountable if they neglect their children. This suggests that family members should also face consequences if they fail to monitor or guide their children's online behavior effectively.

News Channels:
- Ban on Fabricated News: Recommends banning news channels that propagate fabricated information. This measure aims to ensure that journalism remains fact-based and unbiased, without spreading misinformation.
- Objective Journalism: Advocates for journalism that focuses on reporting facts rather than expressing personal opinions. This implies that news channels should refrain from injecting bias into their reporting and instead provide viewers with objective information.

Action Against Leaders:
- Expulsion for Divisive Speech: Urges for the expulsion of political leaders who engage in divisive rhetoric, regardless of where they make their statements. This includes both public speeches and discussions within legislative bodies.
- Graduated Punishment: Suggests a graduated approach to punishment, with temporary expulsion for the first offense and permanent expulsion for repeat offenses. Additionally, proposes measures to prevent expelled leaders from contesting future elections.
- Promotion of New Leadership: Expresses the belief that there are many potential leaders in society and that the removal of divisive leaders would create opportunities for new and more constructive leadership to emerge.

Education System:
- Teacher Evaluation: Recommends implementing annual tests for teachers to ensure they meet certain standards of competency. This measure aims to improve the quality of education by ensuring that only qualified teachers are allowed to teach.
- Improvement of Government Schools: Calls for improvements in the infrastructure and quality of education provided by government schools. This includes measures to address issues such as teacher shortages and inadequate facilities.
- Controlled Private School Fees: Advocates for regulating the increasing fees charged by private schools. This is to ensure that education remains affordable and accessible to all segments of society.
- Tailored Education: Proposes a shift towards a more personalized approach to education, where students receive instruction tailored to their individual skills and interests starting from grade 5.
- Vocational Training: Emphasizes the importance of providing vocational training to students, starting from a young age, to equip them with practical skills that will be valuable in their future careers.

- Control of Hospital Fees: Raises concerns about the escalating costs of healthcare, particularly in private hospitals. Calls for measures to control these fees to ensure that healthcare remains affordable for all citizens.
- Government Assistance: Asserts that as taxpayers, citizens have the right to expect government assistance in both education and healthcare. This assistance should extend to private healthcare facilities to ensure that quality care is accessible to all.
- Patient Care Priority: Highlights the need to prioritize patient care over financial considerations in the medical profession. This implies a call for reforms to ensure that healthcare professionals uphold ethical standards and prioritize the well-being of their patients.
© Pradeep Parmar