

In the name of God I swear
The smile on my face is real,
It bears witness to how I feel,
It shows what I am not going through,
It hides all the pain,
It overshadows the burden,
The taunts I hear,
The heart piercing spear,
The courage and the fear,
The town and the empire,
The no wishes and desire,
All pretention and no liar,
The heaven and the fire,
Your mouth and my ear,
Everything just in tier,
No more work just retire,
The God in head and wire,
Taking the mask off and full attire,
All truth and no more dire,
All the world just transpire,
The word I forget but require,
The heartbeat always misfire,
All the world is there to conspire,
The thoughts are moving higher,
Everything around without wings but flyer,
Take a reat now I am just tire
In the name of God I swear,
It is all real and nothing hire!
© ruineddevil