

The New World Order: Year 2020
Humanity has changed and ventured to unconventional realities. Everyone seeking for hope and justice with divine right, over shadowing those who are righteous. Technological machineries have risen from the ashes, baring engraved marks of the old world and inherited by the new generation. Nature's wilderness grudges with fury and anticipation against the races of men. No one knows where to go but to move forward at free will. Roman scholars bared witnessed the natural order of things to come; 'and how can a man die better when facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his father's, and the temples of his gods.' All the Gods, all the heavens and all the hells are within you for your discretion. You cannot change souls except to fight with pride and belief, hence victory is near for all factions. Let the battles prosper but not to defeat.

© JohnnyCoronation