

I do not understand
why do humans judge onther human being even though they know how it feels to be judge just for been you.why do you hurt a family knowing you do not want your family being hurt why tear a family apart when you do not want your famila part.WHY!!!????.why can't we just love each other equally.does it matter what skin color are skin is.!!? does it matter where we are from.! why can't we live peacefully like a fairytale but all real.some might say it's how the world was meant to be but the truth is that I was meant to be changed and was supposed to be a great place.but it's tearing up because of group of humans that do not want peace. people cry seen there own family been killed in front of them what is the matter with this world!!!!!!!!!.

all we humans ask for is a change.!!!!!!!💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔PLS!?
© Mel