


Doubtful whether....

After all things are not going better all this days and weeks . But I couldn't find much
Better things to give a damn about it. Actually I am finding to be happy . But who knows what next will be happening.after meeting actually I was so curious to know about her . She is very kind and generous women. She calmly handle the situation verywell. Still I am waiting beside near the valley bridge . That was our spot when ever we want to have the conversation . We held over there .
Still we dnt know much about eachother. Hoping she will tell and further I also. But that day she didn't come to meet me . Only one day we get to meet . I was still waiting for her till 12 . But she doesn't came unfortunately I got an sms that John I can't come today busy with my stuff. Sorry for this weekend . Surely we will meet on Saturday.
I was just wondering that she really cares for me or not . That was my mind questioning but on the next on that evening she came up to meet me and asked me for the date . I was just shocked .I don't know what to say. Suddenly I think she is so beautiful and I said yes . I said I will be free with in hour and I will catch up with you later. She smiled and left .but I was so nervous it was my first date obviously I don't know how to look handsome . Then I asked mr. Peter that would you help me for this . He laughed aloudly and said little young men . You don't know let me give some stuff that all I have in store room might be it would help to look handsome. I got some tshirt and a blazer jacket and a shoes that are not so much good but it will look best for tonight".
I was happy to being on date as I go to our place that we are meeting . But suddenly I sawed her with few officers men who are aggressively shouting on her . I wanted to help her for that but I sawed she was giving some on the papers to them might be she was in trouble. After that all they gone she came to me and said John you are looking good tonight . I just like it and love it too.
I ask about the men she said nothing to worry their my colleague . She was lying to me I had sawed them they are the officers but I thought why she won't tell me about herself till now. I was thinking should I doubt her or not . She was a full of mystery thing might I thought so ...

To be continued...