


The day of love, doesn't matter elder or young it's the day all those love maniacs express their love. ( doesn't have any particular reason for me to enjoy this day)

The college was decorated up to the top. It was a feast to watch , all those games that they had made just in the name of love!
Propose to strangers,love letter competition,some were hitting on young teachers too!
I walked trying to clear my mind from all this drama to the school. She was their as usual in the front desk. Gave me a genuine smile .
I didn't mind at first but just throwed that smile back at her and went to my desk .

The class ended at noon . Wherever I look I saw my friends with girls of my class and other classes too . It made me shoked that those stupid dumbass buddies of mine had literally once told that they were forever single . But why should I blame cause I didn't showed the guts to tell the girl who I love the most my feelings for her.( maybe I am the dumbass idiot, not them).

I looked around trying to find her but she wasn't anywhere to be seen as always . I thought maybe she had gone to her college boy .Whatever!
I walked like a slug to my home,didn't cared to smile at anyone who knew me.
As I was walking by the bus stop, I saw a girl standing all alone inside it.It was " her".
I asked her :Hey!! What are you doing here?
She said rather annoyed: Can't you see, am waiting for the bus. Why else would I be standing here..?
I cleared that answer with a stupid sarcastic smile.but she didn't find it so amusing.

Then she asked something:
"ALEX... don't you have a crush on anyone?"
Me..! ( amused) aahh.,NO..I don't know! i replied.
She asked doubtfully: Really...??
[I changed the topic]
(me curiously): Hey who's talking,you 'r the one who talked smart on proposing that college guy today.Am I right?
OOHH! said she, then she took a deep breath.
She looked at me and said: Alex I have to confess something.
LIKE WHAT!..I stuttered
It's about the college guy . Actually there wasn't such a guy .I was just joking with you! Alex.
[I got shoked]
But I do have a crush but it's on a boy sort of my age and I can't stop wondering about him all the day since this year.
[my heart pounded like a base drum]

( Her face went so emotional that moment)

Alex , I don't know how you will react and it may seem awkward for you. I was in love with this idiot for a long time. It's "YOU!"
Mee..! ? [Full of thrill] [ my throat cracked].
I 've been in love with you since the beginning of the year. I saw your pain,Alex.
I saw you trying to face all of us with a genuine smile even after when u got dumped by ASHLEY(my ex). I really felt sad for you. You were trying hard to hold on to her. I didn't wanted you to be alone anymore. I really desired you in my life! You are my "DREAMGUY".
{it took a minute for me to take all that in. I actually realised that there is a person up there, whom I didn't recognised before.}
(snapped out of my thoughts)
I called her :
*ALICE...[ Yess, that's her name,i never mentioned it before in the story].

I don't know if this is a dream but I waited and waited ...for a long time to tell you that I fell for you since the day you first smiled at me.
Alice...you were my SUNFLOWER,that unique person who illuminated my life.

{ her face turned so cute and overjoyed like that of a little baby.Her cheeks blushed with pink as if she had heard the words that she wished for forever!}
She leaned on me and our eyes met each other and gave me a kiss on the cheeks. Then she smiled as if she had read my mind of wanting that kiss somewhere else rather on the cheek. She said MAYBE LATER..

Her bus came , she walked away from me and stopped to turn back .
Alex ..I saw what you did that day!

[Me who didn't had a clue on what she meant stood doubted on her words.]

She said : I saw you alex, got all teared up on our little walk in the palace varanda. Little baby ( she smiled).
I smiled back at her in an embarassed way.(thinking how did she find out).

She hoped on to the bus, gave me a wave and was gone.
I took a deep fresh air . The wind blew swaying my hair along my forehead. Afternoon sun's heat fell on me. Everything seemed so bright that moment. Even the grumpy old grandpa across the road who was always so mean to me was actually smiling at me for some reason.
I really enjoyed the MOMENT.


{If you loved the whole story comment me some feedbacks, guys}