


It's quiet, it's silent, it's dark. It amazes me how fast the days go by, so quickly like I was looking forward to something. Nevertheless, this is Neil, nothing good ever occurs here, at least not to me.

    "Ethan!, Ethan!, Ethan !", My mother cried out with such anxiety mixed with fear in her voice. It's something she does often, ever since I was little, I suppose it's due to the fact that I wasn't always the only male child of the family, I had other brothers way before me, but they passed away one after the other. My mother always thought that losing me, the last and only male child of the "Christensen" family is practically the same as losing her marriage or better still, the marriage.

    "I'm right here", I uttered silently after watching her wander effortless, searching for me. She swiftly turned around, and alas, there I was.

    "What are you doing here, Ethan? you should be in your chambers already, a gentleman doesn't wander around this late" . She completely forgot that I wasn't even a man yet, I was only seventeen, but it wasn't in my place to remind her.

    "Well, I thought I could stray around for a while, due to my recurring inability to kip", I declared. I have had a lot of trouble falling asleep in the past, which always required medical attention, a doctor once told my parents that I was mentally unstable, though they didn't accept it, I saw no reason to deny it. I needed pills to get enough and adequate sleep. My situation never really improved but to appease my mother, I always pretend to get enough sleep, which obviously wasn't the case that night.

    "Hold on, why didn't you tell me that your demons have arrived yet again?", she inquired. I still wonder why she call my inability to sleep a demon, but to be truthful I believed she was right, about me being haunted by some demon which cursed me with a restless mind.

    "These are the things your father hate to hear of, you know that, you can't continue like this Ethan, by the demise of your father, you are meant to pick up his mantle and lead the family towards greatness, we all look up to you, your sisters and I".

    "Maybe that's why", I replied angrily.

    "That's what?".

    "The reason why I can't sleep, because of you and father, your expectations of me, they keep me awake all night, I feel like am about to go mad, how do you expect me to be alright knowing that one day all of the responsibilities are going to be upon me".

She paused, took a step back, then three steps forward towards my right into the kitchen, she picked up a stool, her favorite one and sat beside me, asking me to sit down as well.

    "You can't run away from your responsibilities, Ethan. It's unavoidable. You are the only notable child of this family, without you, we Christensen's are nothing. There's nothing to be afraid of, my brother became "Lord Simon" when he was just two years younger than you..." She started ranting of how life would never give you what you want or what you deserve but what you are destined for, she was metaphorically speaking of her marriage with my father, I once heard that she never intended to be tied to my him, she married him mainly because of their fathers' affairs, and other business purposes.

Finally, I wiggled my way out of the dreadful conversation, but not in the actual respectful or modest manner. My mother refrained from speaking to me after the way we parted things that night or the way I did. It's something she clearly abhorred, we didn't speak to each other for a whole week, though I didn't really care, it wasn't the first time and besides I had my personal demons to fight.

    "Morning brother", my little sister cried out with a blooming smile. It was a habit we all acquired while we were young, but amongst us all, hers  seemed more genuine.

    "Oh my grace", I flattered her in a British accent. "At your service would I humbly remain". She laughed, we both laughed, then she invited me to ride with her, though it was more of an order than a request. Unlike us grown ups, Hannah had no duties, hereby she filled her schedule by practicing on her pony every morning.

    "Yes ma'am", I replied.

We rode side by side towards the river that divided our quarters from the museum, that is usually were we stop. We came down from the horses to get water before going back and then I sighted a figure, it was a human, a familiar one.

    "I know this person". I muttered to myself, I looked closely with much curiosity, Lo and behold, it was my father. He did say he was going to visit the museum the other night, "how did I not remember?" I exclaimed.

He signaled for me to wait as he started walking towards us with an intimidating look.

    "Father!, look Ethan, it's father", Hannah cried out, I quickly ushered her to keep mute as we watched him take his steps carefully. 

    "I just finished talking to Lord Bernard, you are to start working at the museum by this time tomorrow". My father stated in his most alarming voice which I could easily discern. 

I knew my opinion doesn't matter on such situations. My point of view has always been insignificant to to my father and Katherine, my immediate sister. It's hard to admit but only Hannah and my mother hear me out and acknowledge my opinion, my father believed that since he was still alive, it meant that I wasn't man enough to make decisions. But regardless of his mindset, I still never kept shut, I only felt relieved after saying what I felt was right even though it got me in trouble at times.

    "Why would I work there?", I queried him innocently. "Must I ? Why do you always like making decisions for me ? I do not wish to work at the museum". 

And Just like always, he walked towards his horse and rode home, pretending not to hear whatever I said, it was his habit.

© Polar599bear