

Is Failing is the End??
‏Was there a point in your life that you wanted to stop, ‏quit, ‏and leave everything behind just to disappear to the point of changing and hiding your Identity?

‏Yess, ‏many times I feel like to
escape from everyone. ‏From
people, ‏problems, ‏questions and
even life. ‏I remember once
instance of my family. ‏I'm the
younger one of my family my
sister is very good in academics
and in maths. ‏But I hell poor at
it. ‏In class ‎9. ‏I remember we
didn't have enough money to
keep another tuitor because, ‏I already have one tuitor. ‏My parents decided that my sister will teach
me. ‏I was an average student in
my school. ‏That year I failed in
maths for the first time it feeled
so bad. ‏Because my ‎"GOOD
FRIENDS" ‏intentionally asking
GET?" ‏Everyone just staring at
me just like I have smuggled
something. ‏I know everyone
was laughing at me, ‏some were
doing it openly and some were doing it secretly. ‏Few teacher also asked me ‎"Why this happened? ‏Will you able to pass nxt time?" ‏It feels so bad. ‏It feels like this is
end my reputation is gone I'M
gonna called a Failure.
‏But no, ‏It's all our part of life.
‏Sometime we fail in exams,
‏sometime in other field. ‏But it is
necessary to accept that failure
and keep going. ‏Like sometime
while walking on road we might
some time fall or tumbledown.
‏After that we stood up and again
Start walking, ‏we might get
ashamed that people are looking
at me but we didn't care and
again moving forward. ‏Life is
also a road, ‏and these failures are
stones and bumps due to which
we fall down. ‏But we have to
stood up and start exploring the
life, ‏world and us.

‎© ‏Kirtea Shaw ‎