

The darkside of the mind Crimes- The glass queen final chapter
Dear Diary..

Damn this week was so full of exciting twists and man so glad I saved someone before they were chopped up with glass...

Over the course of this month I thought I had my killer. With a deep paper trail and endless art exhibits ( it feels like it) I don't really like it, but my boss disagrees with the glass eagle figurine on my desk and also a new painting I baught for the his birthday..

Maybe I got in tuned for the 'finer things in life' as my ex said I lacked, but couldn't care much about these stuff as I see a lot of what killers can offer.. I think if there was a grammy awards or something for them well this one would win it hands down..

So yeah I was so shocked to discover my artist wasn't the killer. In fact she had a benefactor how became a manager for her.. Each exhibit was organized and funded and it didn't really bother her to have her benefactor do it. She claimed it gave her more time to sculpt and also the anonymity was her benefactors idea and it gave a huge boost in her art sales.

She told me that the market day was so bizarre as she stumbled onto the murder scene. She didn't know what to do and was scared to get involved. She knew the man and also didn't wanna risk losing her anonymity. She wore a wedding dress as it was a way to market her art work so people should feel sorry for the 'bride' and buy some of her paintings.. She had no luck... When she discovered the crime scene that afternoon after going to the chapels bathroom she was so shocked and decided to sell one artwork and then leave and call the cops...

She told me her benefactor supplied some of the glass as payment for free artwork and also had taken some small pieces as commission.

So she had a bussiness card and get this she has her own dang art gallery and it is named : The glass queen co.

Weird but it is just 20 mins drive from us and in a small town nobody expected something like this to even be open for business, but what would I know some of these small towns attract tourist with nice restaurants or cafes or just because it has nice tours on the big cities or they have some history to them.

The alias was also created by the benefactor and she had opened and closed several accounts from different banks for the different exhibits she had orginised for my artist who is name is actually Kendra.

My killer on the other hand is a very interesting lady. She was taken into custody and we had a search warrant ready to search her apartment and also the gallery... Well, thanks to her history with my actor that was murdered.

The search was very fruitful as well, there was the red lipstick she used on two scenes and it was identical.. Also we found huge glass pieces at the gallery and one piece in particular drawn interest with a blood on it..

We arrested her and then she told me her story and how she was determined to become a vigilante as she didn't receive justice. She killed the first victim as he was cheating his girlfriend and also was raping other girls. She was his lover and well with the special weekend he planned for them it was the perfect time to kill him.

The second victim was a girl she met at the theatre and had this boyfriend. She killed the girl based on a grudge she had and she simply said she was a loose end.. The boyfriend of her made child pornography and also was a suspected rapists.

The third one was her rapist, but he was never charged for it, because this guy was a actual sicko and filmed the whole thing and based on what sex-therapist concluded say she did it consensually.

Well, one thing out of this case I learnt don't judge a book by it's cover..