

The Last Flower
I woke up that glowing morning just to remain in bed and think about the great things that have happened in my life. I continue to think but nothing appeared to me. It completely changed my mood as I believed that my life was a mess and there was nothing special about it. I went down to take breakfast when my grandma noticed the change in my mood.
"What's wrong?"
"Umma, there is nothing special about my life. I have been thinking about it since morning but I haven't figured it out till now"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Umma"
"I think we need to talk after taking breakfast. I want you to meet me in the garden. Now smile and everything will be fine"
"How do you expect me to smile Umma when things are this way."
"Don't forget a smile is as special as it can light up the day"
"What do you mean Umma?"
"Don't just think a smile is widening of your lips but it is an expression, a cure and it is a sign of a good heart and I know you have one."
"Ok Umma, let's go and have breakfast "

I assisted my grandma to the dinning table as I greeted my mom and my dad. We were on summer break so everyone was present. We took our breakfast and I cleared the dishes to the kitchen. After that, I met Umma in the garden. We sat together on a chair as she directed her view towards a red rose.
"Look at how beautiful that rose looks."
"It is very beautiful Umma."
"What do you notice about the rose"
"It's alone and it's still red, beautiful and shiny"
"That's right, let me tell you a story"
"I am all ears Umma"
"There was a school girl who lived an average life. She was very contented, beautiful and intelligent. She did anything possible to make her parents proud because they did their best to give her what she needed.
There was just a problem, she cared too much of what people thought of her. She was too caring and understanding. Being the best student made her envied by all so she had few friends. Her best friend, Amina was bothered as her friend easily trust people and she got betrayed usually. She doesn't know what to do so she prayed for the best for her.
Once again, Maryam(i.e the school girl) made friends with the new boy at school; Ahmad. She made sincere friendship with him as they became friends after he helped her do her do her assignments. Without knowing he had an ulterior motive. He took a bet to betray her and embarrass her on their school party. He was very nice as they would have a talk, do assignments together and the three of them became best of friends. Ahmad started to change his direction of thinking due to the kindness Maryam and Amina showed him. He took their friendship serious and he prevented anything that will spoil their relationship.
It was the day of the party, the three friends went together. The guys who took a bet with Ahmad saw the bond between them and they decided to break it telling Maryam and Amina the truth.
Maryam didn't believe at first so she decided to ask him.
"Is it true?"
"I can explain."
"Just answer me!"
Maryam collapsed as we was taken home by Amina. Ahmad was not allowed to follow them. Maryam woke up after the black out and she was just crying. Amina consoled her.
"When will this ever stop? I am tired of this. I am nothing, there is nothing special about my life."
"Ofcourse there is, your existence. You are my friend, you are intelligent, smart, beautiful, wonderful, brilliant and very very special. There is no one like you but yourself. You have a kind heart that makes you think everyone is like you so you get betrayed. Believe in yourself and trust yourself as much as you trust other people and you will see wonders"
"Thanks. I now figure it out. I need to live for myself and see the purpose of my life. Thanks for being there for me ".
They then hugged each other. Ahmad met them and explained everything. He apologised and they continue to be how they were.
Ever since Maryam started to appreciate herself.
So look at the rose, it's the last of it kind in the garden. It still continue to live because it saw the purpose of it's life which is it's existence. It's stayed alive and grew to be beautiful and awesome despite being alone.
So what is the most special thing about your life?"
"Me, Umma. I am special and what is special about my life is my existence. Thanks Umma. Being me is the most special thing . I am all I got"
We both hugged each other and went in. I was happy and I learned to appreciate myself ever since.