

The Countdown
I keep counting down the hours. Watching them and waiting for someone to make the first move. Who will it be? What will they do? How will they say it to me?

I keep watching and waiting for a sign but no one moves an inch. Did they forget what day it was? Do none of them actually care? Or maybe they planned something big to surprise me?

Still, I watch and wait as the hours tick by. 14 hours left. No one's said a word. 12 hours left. Nothing's happening. 10. 9. It's getting closer but no one does a thing.

Oh wait! She's leaving the house, maybe she has a suprise! Oh, nevermind, she's just going out to play cards with her friends. Maybe they did forget...?

Or maybe...

They just don't care anymore...

I wouldn't blame them. Not after everything I've done. I don't deserve a present, not a single one.

I actually hope that everyone forgets what tomorrow is. Maybe everyone will act as if it's just another regular day. I don't deserve it anyway.

happy birthday to me...