

A short horror story
In the old days, a lot if the time little kids were buried with their favorite toy. It could be anything-a wooden sailboat, a little baseball bat , an old doll, anything the kid loved.

Eliza's toy-a rag doll with two blue button eyes-was buried with her when she died, just like that. Two weeks after the funeral, when her father found the doll laying at the front door, he decided there must have been a mistake and quietly re-buried it. A week and a half after that, when Eliza mother found the doll-dirty and wet-on the floor of Eliza's old playroom, she brought it to the family priest, and together they blessed it and buried it again, in the little girl's plot.

When they found the doll the third time, sitting on Eliza's bed, there was a little note:"It's too cold and dark in there. I don't like it. Why don't you let me come home?"

© Shahibah