

The day that changed my life
Hello there,
it's me Amber Nelson, daughter of one of the most successful business men in the whole of America and Europe. Everyone thinks coming from a family like mine is perfect, no flaws but to be honest there is. My parents aren't always around and being the only child doesn't help either and this makes me sad and angry well that was until a ten year old named Elena opened my eyes. I remember it as if it was yesterday. it all happened some months ago in my favourite park. I always go there to think and right in my journal or thought book as I like to call it. I was sitting on my favourite bench when two girls sat beside me, one I knew who goes by Hannah while the other was the ten year old girl. Hannah tapped me as I was writing in my book and I looked at her waiting for her to say something. The first thing she did was to ask me what was wrong and I thought well why not tell her I mean it's not like it would do me any harm so i began telling her what was bothering me. When I was done I looked at her waiting for her to say something but all she sis was call me a selfish bitch and leave. To me at tthat moment she was being rude, I didn't understand the reason why she sis what she did. The little girl beside me cleared her throat and introduced herself to me as Elena. I decided to be polite and reply her with a Hey and my name. She smiled at me then asked if I wanted to hear a story. Since I didn't want to go the lonely place I call a home, I decided to listen so I replied with a nod which she replied with a smile. She turned so she could face me properly and began. She started with once upon a time so I thought it was one of those boring children book but because I didn't want to be rude, I let her continue. She continued by saying " There were two girls, one was a princess and one was the Baker's daughter. The princess had everything she ever wanted except a free time with her parents, her parents were always busy that she didn't see him most of the time while the Baker's daughter didn't have a Father just a mother and Seven lazy sisters. One day the princess decided to go into town to pick up some flowers for her mother whose birthday was coming up very soon. After finding the perfect flower, the princess decided to rest under a tree close to the Bakery where The Baker worked. The Baker's daughter saw the princess and decided to say hi so she approaches her with a bottle of water and a dry loaf of bread. The Baker's daughter said hello to the princess and the princess replied with a short nod. The Baker's daughter decided to try again and tapped the princess on the shoulder. The princess looked up and gave the Baker's daughter a questioning look. The Baker's daughter dropped the bottle of water and handed the dry loaf of bread to the princess and said you looked tired so I thought this would help. The princess gave the Baker's daughter a sad smile and took the dry bread from her. The Baker's daughter wanting to know what the princess was doing looking g sad asked 'Why ddo you look sad and tired?'. The princess trusting the Baker's daughter told her how she really felt. The Baker's daughter replied 'I am sorry about that but just be grateful you hhave a father and a mother, my father is dead and my mother is sick and there's nothing I cam do about it' before leaving. The princess started felfeleling guilty for not being happy with what she had been given aand decided to leave leave a letter to the Baker's daughter before leaving". That was the end of the story. The little girl looked at me and smiled before running off somewhere. I began thinking of how people complain of not having parents or not being able to have anything and I have everything and more. I realized that even though I hardly saw my parents, they still always made it to important moments of my life and I'm thankful for that.