

Mr. Robot Season 4 Review
(I now have a patreon. If you would like to read my reviews a day early, contribute for $1 a month. a link to that is on my profile)

Mr. Robot is a show that was so unique for the way it told its story. One moment there's a fever dream in a 90's sitcom, the next the main character is throwing himself downstairs. And that was just in two episodes. And in the fourth and last season, it takes more risk than ever before.

In one episode, there are only two lines of dialogue in the whole episode, and those are at the beginning and end. It is told entirely with action (though they cheat a little bit with text messages) There's one where they walk in the woods. And of course, there is arguably the best episode in the show.

The seventh episode is set in Krista's apartment and it sets the stage for the most gut-punching reveal that I've ever seen.

And that's what it felt like: A punch to the gut. If you want a good portrayal of a source of mental trauma, this is it. It's so well told that I won't spoil it.

Speaking of spoiling: let's skip to the ending of the show.

I'll make this claim: It's one of the best endings for a show I've seen since Breaking Bad. When I first watched the ending my reaction was simple: Huh.

Now it wasn't a Huh?! It was a reaction of me wanting to process what I fuck I just watched. The big twist was genius and the show does a good job explaining everything. Well, except for Tyrell's death and the whole 11:16 thing. Can't have everything explained. Gotta leave somethings open to interpretation.

But what is this show about? In my opinion, it's trying to figure out who you are in today's society. And that can be a struggle. But if we hold on and try to survive, the world can get better.

A part of Elliot's final monologue said it best:

"What if changing the world was just about being here, by showing up no matter how many times we get told we don't belong, by staying true even when we're doubted into being false, by being true to ourselves even when we're told we're too different. And if we all held onto that, if we refuse to budge and fall in line, if we stood our ground for long enough, just maybe... The world can't help but change around us."

Twitter: @csgwriting
