

Act 3
A month later

In Harrison college ,( kasle's class)

Mr Norman::( teaching) do you all understand
All::yes sir
Mr Norman:: keep your notes and bring out a sheet of paper,I want to conduct a snap test (wrote the questions on the board)
Calvin::(drawing) oh I made a mistake (open his locker)where is my eraser
Alexis::(silently) Calvin, what are you doing ,a teacher is in class
Mr Norman::hey you are doing a test close your locker
Calvin::(searching his locker)oh I left it at home
Mr Norman::(close Calvin's locker)are you deaf to close your locker
Calvin:: come on man am looking for my eraser can I make an announcement
Mr Norman:: am telling you to close your locker,wait you were drawing in my class
Clavin::yes any problem
Mr Norman:: don't you have manner am talking to you and you are sitting
Clavin::(stand angrily)to hell with your test
Alexis:: come on Calvin u re doing the wrong thing
Clavin::and who...