

The adventures of knight cat-chaptar 1
With recent crime alerts the civilians of Grand City have been very scared and worried on the news they would hear about crime reports but there would be no one up to stop them except for the police and knight cats you might be thinking who is knight cat? Well nobody really knows now on news from Grand City this is reporter muscley Peterson on on another news report on knight cat. My name is Yaaziel Marcelle I'm a normal boy with a normal life but I have a secret, in the day I'm Yaaziel Marcelle but at night I'm knight cat deterring and stuntful as people say but truly my power is my gadgets like my turbo Energizer it gives me the speed to run on water and I use my my personal robot x he's my ride I get around smoothly and quickly they don't suspect anything because x looks like a normal car but under the car he's a robot . So that's the long and short of knight cat.
One summer day in Was green and as the black woodpecker for the party pooper that he is he ruined the perfect summer day let me explain black woodpecker was also a teenager like me the the opposite and he is the most annoying person probably in the world I fight him over and over know one wins know one looses I can't stand being equaly match his robot is not like mine at all my robot uses artificial intelligence I personally designs his is a knock off call overdrive zero overdrive zero is almost the same as mine almost but his robot is designed so he controls it and it's designed to destroy my robots I don't personally don't like the design but less info about him let's get back to the summer day, so the black woodpecker comes back all big and proud with overdrive zero like who do you think he is marching into my city and just trying to be the boss well everyone knows I'm the boss around here and I don't usually work in the day but now I don't really have a choice I'm not going to let the black woodpecker roam around just do it whatever he wants because I choose to do it in the night well I better get started, the black woodpecker I mean with one of his maximum drill a multi-attack I use my special shield triangular vortex my attack easily stopped his multi attack he said'woo hahaha no one can stop me not even  you o knight cat overdrive zero I'm like' seriously again can you wait till night time when I'm actually have the energy to fight you x blue energy black cat dash Sonic vox for short combo 7'as an x was doing that I had business with dark woodpecker Meow deploy katanas 'Twety black sword arise' the black woodpecker put on a strong fight I gave it my all the black woodpecker knocked down one of my katanas with my incredible gadgets I use my katana homing device to regain my katana the black woodpecker tried and tried but in the school I attended I was in fencing class and I was the best of my class I never really knew the black woodpecker was in my class bus you must have a passion for swords he always use this black sword it  always seems so dark I didn't really understand why we couldn't just make up and fight with the black woodpecker always just wanted my power source this is a secret between you and me it's my ring and unleashes these nanobots that surrounds me and they transform me into knight cat that's how it provides me with instance regeneration the nanobots are almost impenetrable but just in case the black woodpecker comes up with a weapon that can penetrate it I'll need to find an even stronger and powerful material. We were at a point that no one was getting anywhere and I believe that the black woodpecker thought so too so he backs down and all he said was' just wait and see I'm developing a sword that will cut through those katanas'I'm like in your dreams you think my pure steel metal can break that easily you'll be wrong
X car mode 'vrrrrrr pern' as x transform I knew how to get home anyways if I didn't come home early my mom would be angry like angry angry I don't really tell her about my second life she doesn't really know that I have a secret HQ in our basement she doesn't even know we have a basement but I had to get going we arrived home ready to sneak into the house and see if Mom was awake now we saw her sleeping so I snuck into my room and pretend like if I was reading a book.