

Blackmirror : you will have to grant him he's desire to go to earth to avoid what might be coming for the kingdom ...

And what could that possibly be ?
will it be Dangerous ??
the king asked wanting to know more

Blackmirror: my king thats all i can say for now ...

Hmm.... I'll be on my way " the king said leaving

Blackmirror :As you wish your highness

later that day ......

Father !! lucian called very agitated

You can go to earth " the king said reluctantly

What? lucian asked confused

Did i stutter ? the king asked sacastically

No your highness " lucian said with a bow
but why the sudden change of heart , your grace ?

Humm!! The king sighed loudly

You only have 14 days to spend on earth and return back to take responsibilities in your kingdom " the king said sternly

Yes your highness !! Lucian said with he's head held high

to be continued ❤
© Author Xal