

my mysterious husband
......................think twice before saying yes you do...before wearing that sweet gawn......

......how on earth did he................🤷now this was beyond my control........i started thinking......as i pretended to be asleep....should i poison him??noooo thats a sin....and mark you i was a number one chair..... Christian woman......so i couldn't.....s
aaaawwww time was moving sooo slow that i couldnt even blink................not even. a second🤦🤦i was breathing half a second ......but then i decided to confront my man...for better for worse....😂😂but who does this for real😂🤦how do yu confront a demon ........i thought.....so i sat on the bed and he did too.......and before i could think of. asking he said"babey i know you are shocked how i came in here.....and how i got on the bed......but i came slightly after you slept ...i got late where i went and i ddnt want to bother you hunny".
to be sincere i stopped thinking right away and i slept..i couldnt tell what this guy had done to me that anytime he speaks before me...i could fall for him like never before.....so early in the morning he wokeup as usual......and made breakfast for us and he drove off.🏃
infact i was feeling like vacating but he would stil know..anyway.........🤦so i thought of coming to my dads home to share wat came over my relationship and....mark you there were few days to my wedding.........how in earth could i marry this man?????yeees he was rich....sweet and of all a man everylady wouod die to have...but now how???🤣we were to drop to my village with my girl. and then after a few 2 to 3 days .....would return to my apartment.....enheeeeeee
now come and seee the real reason i would kill someones son........after we were through with preparation i had to pass through naivas to get some stff for my parents..... so as i parked outside the supermarket,my girl and i walked in for some shopping and immediately i was thru i went to the cashier........and to my surprise my phone rang....who????this son of a woman.....
"Babey i have paid for your shopping via cashier no 2.please confirm"and this is how i almost died.......in a supermarket...
i tried to pretend like therre was nothing but my urine betrayed me ............🤦🤦huge drops were penetraing through my cotton nickers and i was sure it couldn't dry.....i became a scenario......thoug my girl picked everything and tied me a lapper.confusion,headache, stomaches,backaches not sure where ......were witnessed in me.but then i walked to my car and i couldn't drive.....my girl was smart enough she drove.........

immediately after arriving home,haha this where i imagined all this was witchcraft...because when dad asked hows your man.......i was like ....praising him like the morning sun.....😂😂how could that be.....

so after some time we went to buy some snacks from a shop nearby...and at shoo i saw people were allover the road...........as if they had seen a king........and before pain and desperation could hug me.......my girl whispered ..."mama,seee that rimo there......."wueeeeeh we were all staring at that cute rimo to see who would get out...haaaha.....😭😭

And just before the door could open up...even the shopkeeper was out to see ...because that was really a mystery in our village..........
immediately.......the door opened and the tinted windows were sparkling and shinning.......whoooo???????????.............

😭😭😭to be continued.......
am crying already.......

© shanny loue