

The Maids (Part 17)

Part 17

Intro: A man in his late 40s (Quart) have a blind daughter (Aylen) who is a seer. Quart is a farmer with low income, he decided to journey to Cupper in search of suitable job to take care of his only daughter.

AYLEN: father, I know you are going to Cupper for my sake but really, I'm fine, you dont have to stress yourself, we can stay here and enjoy the little we have.

QUART: I'm close to my death bed and I can't leave you like this Aylen, I promise I will return if I can't cure the king.

AYLEN: no! Father dont go. And if you must then I will journey with you.

QUART: that is not possible, you are not in a good condition to follow me, and Cupper is a very long journey. There are bandits on the way, please Aylen let me go alone.

AYLEN: father, you must have forgotten that I see better than some other humans.

QUART: I know, I know you see things but this is different Aylen, you've lived your whole life in Gamaliel, you don't know how wicked the world is out there.

AYLEN: (she chuckles) well! I guess I'm about to find out, there is no talking me out of this.

QUART: fine, we shall leave at dawn, start packing (he gave Aylen a soft smile)

AYLEN: (excited) yes!