

No One Cares ...
The Mirror's Gaze

Lena stood before the old mirror, its glass surface worn and faded. She stared at her reflection, but her eyes didn't quite meet her own. They drifted away, lost in thought.

Lena had always struggled with feeling invisible. As if no one truly saw her, heard her, or cared about her existence. She felt like a whisper in a world of screams.

One day, while wandering through a quiet park, Lena stumbled upon a small, forgotten pond. Its surface was still, reflecting the trees and sky above. She sat down on a nearby bench, mesmerized by the mirror-like water.

As she gazed into the pond, Lena realized that the world's indifference was not a reflection of her worth. It was simply a reflection of its own priorities.
The world was busy with its own stories, its own struggles.

In that moment, Lena understood that she didn't need the world's attention to validate her existence.
She needed to validate herself.

Lena began to write, to create, and to explore. She found solace in the quiet, forgotten places, where her voice could echo without interruption.

The mirror in her home now seemed different. It no longer reflected her invisibility but her strength. Her eyes met her own, and she smiled.

Lena had discovered that indifference was not a curse but a catalyst for self-discovery.
She learned to embrace the stillness, to find her voice in the quiet, and to reflect on her own worth.

© Ade F'ayo