

How a dreamer dreams fade
Kriti's eyes sparkled with excitement as she clutched the pen and notebook, her mind racing with stories waiting to be told. She had always dreamed of becoming an author, but her parents dismissed her passion, urging her to focus on academics instead.

One fateful day, renowned author Shreya Mishra visited Kriti's profile on writco and her life changed forever. Shreya was impressed by Kriti's writing and proposed a collaboration – to co-author a book together! Kriti beamed with pride, eager to share the news with her parents.

But their response crushed her: "Forget writing, focus on your studies. You'll never make it as an author. Your vocabulary is weak, and you can't even write a decent story or poem." The harsh words echoed in Kriti's mind, extinguishing the flame of her dreams.

Depression crept in, shrouding Kriti in darkness. She felt lost and alone, her passion for writing flickering like a dying candle. what should she do she was really crushed by her parents words feeling that they are right, is her parents true should she leaves her passion .

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