

helping or you say recording ?
I Still don't understand how important is likes, views or comments in our life's. There are many quotes and posts which says " if you're helping the poor leave your camera at home " and that's true but nowadays I'm seeing lot of videos on Social media of this scenario .

Recently i saw a video where a man is feeding a poor kid with his hands and that's good thing you're feeding the one who can't afford food but why are you looking at the camera or even recording this .

But what after , -
He got his Clip and I'm 100% sure he's not returning the next day or ever just to feed them . True ?

" The real service or help is never mentioned by the one who done it "

FOR FULL , i wrote a blog

link in bio 🖤🖤👍


© A M A A N
#Love #Life #kindness #help