

Dancin' , New found LoverZ in the wee hour shuffle. UneartheD treasures in her Gran's attic. Rainy afternoon explorations.

musty memories. Mothballs n Sticky perfumes. Trinkets from days long gone. When ya eyes lit like spinning. Cigars in a treeHaus I knew you stumbled into some cool shit. Worn faded Florida orange crate circa 1959 or so. Seeing you in a Zone as ya pulled out album by album. Retha', Otis, Jimi, miles , Tina, Dylan, Elvis, so many Motown , Stax , and regional records , and when ya pulled that Nina Simone record I knew it was the one u had to hear. In the watching of U rushing down the stairs like a girly child I fell deeper into your life.

We dug out your late Uncles vintage turntable. 5 or so YouTube videos later we got it goin'. Only we needed a needle that worked.

the look of disappointment in your face was too damn much so I sent some texts to vinyl geeks and this late nite dj I used to get buzzed with. Score. We trade a couple albums we don't know and we are in audio nirVana.

Random pulls creating our old school shuffles. Late nite dancin' n classic cocktails have us reeling n rocking beeping N bopping to tunes from the 50s 60s 70s 80s.

In another world. We. Our world. Cheek. 2. Cheek. Sweaty salty singin' me, off key but tryin' you not so.

Singin' like an angel. Bringin' tears of joy. I want the nite to go on 4ever. So do ya.
- for Cammie.