

Growing Through pain
Have any of u tried doing exercise - like a gym workout or jogging and have realised that physical activity is painful?

Have any of you as school or college students worked hard to get good grades and have realised that studying hard is painful?
Have any of you wanting a promotion at work put in a lot of energy and realised that the laborious effort is painful?

Have any of you in waiting to save a relationship tried to keep your ego aside to adjust and realised that bending down is extremely painful?

Ladies and gentlemen pain is such an integral part of life that try hard as we may.
We just cannot escape . But we have a choise to accept the right kind of pain .

That initially hurts but eventually heals,
That initially is uncomfortable but
Eventually unleashes our true potential but
Initially we want to avoid but
Eventually very happily accept or
The wrong kind of pain .
Where the beginning is so much pleasure but at the end, life is just a pity.
Where in the beginning u are so mesmerised But at the end - just a royal mess.
Where in the beginning things are so comfortable but at the endlessly complex.

The pain of exercise or the pain of disease.
-Which one will you choose?
The pain of studying hard or the pain of being unworthy .
-Which one will you choose ?
The pain of effort at the work or the pain of stagnation.
-which one will you choose?
The pain a adjusting with a loved one or the pain of a broken heart
- Which one will you choose?

The right kind of pain or the wrong kind of pain you will to choose one?
Choose the right one and live a life right.