

The Chronicles of Us ( Chapter 10)
Chapter 10- Dreams Come True

King Albert told us what happened to him and asked our favour to rescue his wife who had been kidnapped by the brigands. We looked out for her, she was locked in a particular room in that building. We used the King’s sword to break into the room, and saved her without any flaw. As I look up to her face, I saw myself, literally me. I got shocked again and again. She gave me a warm smile heartly. Albert and I were in question. That old lady from the hut came across our mind simultaneously. The King and Queen invited us to their palace. We rode the royal chariot to the palace of Paradise Kingdom. As soon as we arrived there, we saw mom and dad waiting for us. To be precise, I noted doubles of them. My very own mom and dad, and the queen’s mom and dad. I burst into tears when I saw them. I hugged and sobbed uncontrollably. Mom and dad pacified me. I got a clear understanding when the king and Queen narrated the whole incident starting from the old man. That told us that it was us 1000 years ago. We were assured that we were reincarnated for a reason. The reason was to save the king and Queen from the peril which can inky be rescued by its own blood. The mission was accomplished. We were appreciated and indebted by providing a great royal feast in the palace. We spent quality time with our clines and got to know about ourselves much deeper. It was time to get back to the future. We were sad as we had to leave. The King granted our wishes of our past memories would attain in our future mind. We were very happy and overjoyed. We gave a contented goodbye to the king and Queen. Within the speed of light, when our eyes were twinkled, we were back into our car continuing back our ride home. It was unbelievable. It was a wonderful and adventurous experience and pace for us. On our way, I gazed at Albert and chuckled, “Its impossible “. He giggled. That old man stood by the road and gave a jubilant smile and blessed us with a wave. His voice whispered, “this is you, never forget yourself, behave like a winner as you are a winner and champion in your life “. He vanished in air with a whoosh.

The End

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