

the 🌙
The moon so pure, a wandering eye,
Floats high above in starlit sky.
With grace, it bathes the world in light,
A beacon shining through the night.

The ocean, mirror to the stars,
Reflects the beauty from afar.
And in its depths, secrets it keeps,
In silent whispers while it sleeps.

The mountains stand, so tall and proud,
Their peaks are kissed by passing clouds.
A testament to time and space,
Anchored in their almighty grace.

Life is but a fleeting dream,
A star's twinkle, a moonbeam's gleam.
So take a moment, look above,
And fill your heart with peace and love

Beneath the veil of the azure sky,
Where the lark sings and the eagles fly,
A garden blooms with colours so bright,
Bathing in the soft morning light.

The roses whisper to the breeze,
Their scent carried with such ease,
Petals soft like a lover’s touch,
This beauty we adore so much.

The sunflowers, tall and proud they stand,
Like sentinels in this beautiful land.
Their golden faces follow the sun,
In this garden where life has begun.

The lilacs bloom with fragrant delight,
Under the soft glow of the moonlight.
Their sweet perfume fills the air,
A scent .